View Full Version : Sudden Deaths

Sun Apr 05, 2009, 05:39 AM
Three fish have died suddenly without displaying any symptoms for more than 24 hours.

The first to go were 2 clown loaches who had been in the tank for about 2 months. They were hiding a lot for the last couple of days, then the night before they died i spotted that they had some sort of "dust" look (velvet? fungus?) on top of their body, and were moving around very eratically. The next morning they developed a reddish rash and died soon after.

The next to go was one of my smaller angels, who just died a couple of hours ago, however this one did not display any symptoms at all.

I did a 50% water change yesterday after the loaches died. The tank had been running for around 3 months with no deaths, so these were a shock.

I have no idea what caused the deaths, no new fish had been added recently, the water parameters were fine (ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate >0). Fluval 405 filter working, seeded bacteria, planted tank, 30% water change once every two weeks, carbon replaced recently, tank no where near overstocked.

I will try and upload some pics of the loaches later, hopefully you could help me examine the disease. Hopefully it will not spread any more.

Would you recommend any medications for the whole tank in case the disease might have spread? Since i do not know the exact disease yet, would a multi-purpose med be ok? I have heard it can kill the filter though. What would you recommend?

Sun Apr 05, 2009, 08:55 AM
I did a 50% water change yesterday after the loaches died. The tank had been running for around 3 months with no deaths, so these were a shock.

30% water change once every two weeks, carbon replaced recently, tank no where near overstocked.

These two quote worry me. The 30% water change is nowhere near enough, for discus, loached or angels, that said..any fish!! Only changing the water like you are, is allowing the DOC's to build up, phenols created by anerobic pockets in the substrate (poisonous gasses) can kill your fish. I would say that you are not maintaining your tank properly.

The big water change probably gave such a change to the tank conditions, it shocked the fish so much that it led to the other fish dying.

How old are your test kits? or are you using those horrible strips? Test kits should not (imo) be used if over a year old. Liquid test kits are best and more reliable. Also, what temperature have you got your tank?

Remedy imo, will be regular water changes, 30% - 3 times a week minimum.

Mon Apr 06, 2009, 08:02 AM
How old are your test kits? or are you using those horrible strips? Test kits should not (imo) be used if over a year old. Liquid test kits are best and more reliable. Also, what temperature have you got your tank?

Im using API "Freshwater Master Test Kit" (liquid)
Temp is set at 26 degrees

Mon Apr 06, 2009, 01:59 PM
I'd bump up your temp to 29 degrees C if you want happy Discus.



Mon Apr 06, 2009, 04:51 PM
I'd bump up your temp to 29 degrees C if you want happy Discus.


Yes, I would too

Tue Apr 07, 2009, 06:30 AM
Im not keeping disucs though, but i have angels, dwarf gourami, diamond tetra and peppermints

Tue Apr 07, 2009, 01:48 PM
In that case 25 or 26 degrees should be fine.
