View Full Version : Anorexic Discus

Fri Apr 03, 2009, 04:56 AM
Hi. i have a 5lt tank.. In the tank i have
4 discus.. i have resently added some pearl gouramis and Kirbensis but this problem started a year ago when there was only discus..
I have a Red Melon Discus who is always in the same corner.. He is very very skinny and i havent seen him eat since MAY 2008.. His colour is a very pale orange and his fins look as if they have been cut..
However he is still alive.. If he isnt eatting woulnt he have died already???
One Discus is clearly the bully but when he goes near melon, melon stickes up for hinmself!! I have tried all different foods. My water is in perfect condition but Melon just looks sick!
Any sugestions???

Fri Apr 03, 2009, 05:38 AM
Worm your fish do a corse of levimenisole 1ml/7l every 2 weeks for 3 treatment, in between do 2 corses of prazi theres stickys on both drugs in the illness section, get some metro you might have a chronic bacterial infection causing fin rot, if you can put that fish in a tank on its own, just keep ofering food, if you can get some freeze dried blackworms of Mal, you'd be amazed how quick your turn around sick fish like you've described with clean water, good food and a reduced paracite load.

Fri Apr 03, 2009, 04:05 PM
[quote="Addicted2discus"]Hi. i have a 5lt tank.. In the tank i have
4 discus.. i have resently added some pearl gouramis and Kirbensis but this problem started a year ago when there was only discus..

Is this a mistake ?

Fri Apr 03, 2009, 07:55 PM
i think he means 5ft