View Full Version : Glosso and Red plants

Mon Mar 30, 2009, 02:53 AM
Hi All,

I'm having trouble growing glosso,i have 3.7wpg -3x150w MH,4x54w t5's and have been using diy CO2, just now changed to pressurised CO2 and i also add liq ferts.
It don't grow or spred the only thing i can now think of is it may be my substate it's just a standard 2-3mm pebble but its been in a long time and all my other plants grow at a mighty rate in it.Also just started to add flourish iron to see if that helps as the glosso go yellow befor it dies off, any ideas.

Also i have trouble with red plants, i have tried many varieties and they grow extremely good but as the new growth starts they always grow to a lush green color.Will the added iron help or is it somthing else.

Thanks John

Mon Mar 30, 2009, 03:09 AM
glosso is a very demanding lant, your substrate is in no way good enough for it, your red plants are telling you the same thing, when a plant starves it tries to make more food with green pigments instead of red, increase the nutrients to the plants, 2 products that work very well for me are clay balls or florish tabs by the roots and red sea flora 24 daily for extra iron and trace elements.

Mon Mar 30, 2009, 03:41 AM
Thanks Illusn for a quick reply,

Yep that makes sense, just gave my lfs a call and he will get me some flora 24 in and he is going to give it a go in his planted aquarim as well.
