View Full Version : New to discus

Thu Jan 27, 2005, 11:13 PM
Hi guys, this is my first post so take it easy. I am setting up a discus tank 4x2x2. I will be running 2 eheim 2215 filters, carbo plus co2 system, substrate heating cable . I have a 4x55w lighting system and all the other extras i need.
Want to plant a simple arrangement using amazon sword and e tennelus as a foreground plant.
Is there anything else or extra i should be doing?

I want to use a 1-2ml gravel substrate with a clean washed sand layer over the top.

Any advise and general help would be greatly appreciated as i would like to get it right the first time round.


Fri Jan 28, 2005, 03:15 AM
Sounds good.

I would probably get a UV too to help prevent the algae, especially with a lot of light. If I could go back in time I would have got one from the beginning. Once the algae takes hold its much harder to control. It better to set up all the prevention in the beginning.

Fri Jan 28, 2005, 03:25 AM
Hi Brad

If you put sand on top of gravel you will find over time that the sand will move into the gaps between the gravel and you will end up with one big mix.



Fri Jan 28, 2005, 06:10 AM
Thanks dave,

im assuming you mean a uv steralizer that attaches to a cannister filter.

Ive kept tropical fish and planted tanks for around 10 years now, only starting to get into it a little more seriously over say the last year.

Would i be better off trying to keep a pair in a tank with no plants first?

One more thing.How do the discus react to fertilizers? With my planted tanks i have always used fertilized substrates and never had trouble with my tropical fish, with the discus being so sesitive to water quality should i keep my setup basic and use only plants such as amazons that are less demanding?

Fri Jan 28, 2005, 11:44 PM
Yes thats the UV I meant.

Most people say that it is easier to start off with a bare bottom tank because it is much easier to clean. I think it depends on the fish too. Some fish are are very fussy. I have a pair that I put into a well planted tank. The conditions were perfect, but they werent happy and didnt eat for the first two weeks I had them. So I moved them to a smaller bare bottom and suddenly they were much happier and slowly started eating. I think it is because their whole lives they have only known bare bottom tanks over in the fish farms, so when you bring them home and put them in a tank with lots of plants, driftwood and other fish they are freaked out.

So I would probably start off with bare bottom, and just put a piece of driftwood with some attached plants in for looks, or maybe some potted plants. If they dont like them you can easily take them out, if they do then you can slowly add more, etc.