View Full Version : White Spot and white things?

Mon Mar 23, 2009, 08:45 AM
I have a 6x2x2 tank with discus and other fish my blue diamond which is about 18 months old has developed things on it if it was a ship I would say it was growing barnicles. I have treated the tank for white spot and then after a couple of weeks treated with primafix and melafix but have noticed that the blue diamond has started developing these things again and they look like white spots. I also noticed on the glass a lot of little white thread like things. I have never seen them before and just noticed them today there is also at times a very fine line of like white thread on some plants and just floating around the tank. Any ideas anyone? All help and advice greatly appreciated.

Mon Mar 23, 2009, 11:17 AM
pimafix and melafix are both useless for discus just throw them out if you dont have other fish, get yourself some protozin, do a MASSIVE water change, as big as you can I'd be aiming for 95%, clean your filters start protozin treatment, if you cann add salt just plain rocksalt at 2tsp/40L (in your tank that will be 32 teaspoons, add it in 2 lots of 16 about 2 hours appart, no feeding for days 1 2 and 3 of treatmant, on day 4 feed again, just small ammounts till all fish are eating propperly. on day 7 do another massive water change and you should be right to drop back to 30% 2-3x a week.

the white things on the glass a planeria, or worst case Hydra, both are a tell tale sign of bad houskeeping. the barnicals on your fish are an infection of bacteria/fungie the protozin will stop it getting worse. this condition occures when the fish are under stress form bad water (my breeders get it when they fry get too big and put too much strain on the filter).

good clean water and a good clean tank will fix all your problems.

Mon Mar 23, 2009, 08:35 PM
Hi Illusion thanks for the prompt reply. I used protozin first and the used the melafix and primafix as recommended by a fish shop. My question is can I used the protozin today as I only finished the other two on Sunday? I did a big water change before using these products and usually do 50% a week and the water conditions are showing good but I will do a big change today but I need to know if it is okay to use the protozin so soon. I will have a good look at my filtration which is a fluval 404 and a drop sided filter maybe I need to change the power heads or something.

Tue Mar 24, 2009, 08:12 AM
you need WAY more filtration for 6x2x2, i had an eheim 2080 and a diy fbf bout 2m tall still wasnt enough with 2x 50% changes in a planted discus tank, the NO3 just wouldn't stay below 10.

do thw water change, clean the filters and give the protozin another got its safe at 3x the bottle dose so your fish will be fine.