Blue Leopard
Sat Mar 21, 2009, 12:35 PM
Hi All,

Just joined the forum as I have just started keeping discus again after 7 years abscense.
At the moment I have a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft with a 1 x Golden Leopard,1 x Brilliant Turq & 1 x Red Melon - ( They are young adults ) - along with 5 Congo Tetras, 2 Clown Loaches, 1 Halfmoon Betta & 1 very plant distructive & always hungry Gibbiceps Pleco. ( That seems to be getting bigger each time I look at the tank ) - but he's a nice fish indeed.
Anyway I purchased the discus from "All Aquarium" in Mulgrave Melbourne after looking at alot of other aquariums shops including Oakleigh Discus Importer aswell but found there was alot of very ordinary looking discus out there in their shape & colour striations & or general health..
Is there a place in melbourne you can purchase A grade quality discus as I really do want to get my hands on a nice "Penag Super Eruption" in the near future along with a nice "Tiger Turq" aswell
Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated - Cheers :D

Sun Mar 22, 2009, 02:01 AM
You could ask Mac at Oakleigh Aquarium to get you in what you wanted.

Thu Apr 16, 2009, 12:29 PM
Or ask David or Scott at Boronia Reptils and Aquarium, if its not to far for you to travel that is. They have a gawjus red mellon in one of their tanks, that sadly, they wont sell to me lol ... but that can certinally get in quality discus, as long as their about that is. I'm up there almost every day ( i know them very well) so if you want me to ask for you, let me know.

Sun May 03, 2009, 11:19 AM
Not in Melbourne, but I'm sure they'll freight. Call Nick at Sydney Discus World. I discovered it a couple of weeks ago and was stunned by the selection he has on site. He's got a couple of hundred fish in stock in a similar amount of site. I think he may even have the Super Eruptions you're after. Definately worth a call.