View Full Version : Discus acting wako

Thu Mar 19, 2009, 12:35 AM
My discus are acting really strange. They are all outgoing and in the corner of the aquarium begging for food when I return from work. I can walk by the aquarium, do any kind of gesture and they won't be spooked at all. they swim around like nothing matter and are quite active. Yet, as soon as I put food, they start to eat but then the slightest motion get them in total panic. They go dashing for cover and don't come out to eat.

It seems as they are not afraid of anything before I feed them and then they become extremely skittish after that. This only started few days ago as I am doing a treatment with Prazipro. One of the discus was breathing fast from only one gill. He's fine now but they are all acting the same wierd way!

Meaning that if I don't feed them they will stay outgoing and active, not being afraid of any motion, but that all goes away as soon as I give them food. wierd no?

Water is crystal clear with ammonia and nitrite to 0 and nitrate to less than 5 due to the daily water change that I do. PH 7.2 and constant between water change because I do not adjust it and always use the same water from tap, conditioned with Seachem Prime.

Is that a normal behavior because the fishes are being treated with Prazipro?