View Full Version : Funny cloudy white slime on some parts of tank?

Wed Mar 18, 2009, 10:25 AM

I have come across this funny kind of cloudy white slime buildup on some parts of my tank. Its visible on places like my heater, on the suction caps and the top parts of heater, and then on the opposite sides of tank on suction caps, I also opened lid of my canister filter today and it was there too, have tested all levels, everything is as it should be, fish happy enough. When i tried to push it off, it came away easily, so not sticky, more like a buikdup, it floated around the water in small clumps, my fish sucked it in then spit it out. Does anyone have any experience with this? or have any idea what in the world it could be?!! Is it some kind of good/bad bacteria buildup?


Wed Mar 18, 2009, 11:51 AM
had this too. nfi what it is. its all gone now.dunno where though

Wed Mar 18, 2009, 08:07 PM
The build up you are having is called 'Mulm' It is a bacterial build up and should be removed as part of your maintenance routine. I even find that durning my fishless cycle of my sump I still get this slimey feel to the glass, and remove it.
As part of your routine, get some kitchen paper towel, and just before a water change wipe down all the tank walls ie all inside surfaces, you can do suction cups, heater cables, whatever feels slimey. Then remove the water and any 'bits' with a water change.


H :)

Wed Mar 18, 2009, 08:11 PM
Thanks H, I knew u'd come thru with the goods, your a god send to us beginners!!


Wed Mar 18, 2009, 08:14 PM
No prob Mel,

It just goes to show just how much bacteria is in the tank/water that you don't necessarily see. Then when people ask why we do so many water changes, it all becomes clear.

H :wink: