View Full Version : Discus acting strange

Wed Mar 18, 2009, 06:40 AM
Hi all

I recently changed the layout of my tanks, going from a planted gravel ( about 40 mm thick) to a bare bottom tank with pots ( cut pvc pipe) and plants in them. Now my discus have gone retarded and are super !! skittish and don't eat as they used to. I used to feed them black worms when they were a bit stressed, but if i do that they dont take the Beefheart for a day or two.

9 discus. 3 at 10 cm 1 at 7 cm and 4 at 5 cm and one massive stunted guy (small)

6 x 2 x 2

Ph 6.4 - 6.8 does not vary much
ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates <20

50% WC each week, with a small one during the week.

Also, the tank is under clear colour bond so it does get natural sunlight.

any help would be fantastic

Thu Apr 02, 2009, 06:14 PM
And I thought that removing my plants and putting my discus in bare bottom tank would help settle my problem with skittish discus. Mine are too skittish for even living an healthy life!

Your experience going from a planted tank to a bare bottom is going the opposite way I was expecting. I always see loads of discus in a bare tank that are very calm and peacefull but that's not how mine are.

I simply assumed that they became skittish because of the plants (maybe that's it anyway) but then should putting them in a bare tank solve that problem? seems not.

I wish I could help you but it seem that the only thing that really help me is to buy another discus or 2 that is not skittish. that works at the begining but soon they all become the same.

My last thing to check out is stray electricity. They seem to jump a bit when my fidg is starting so that might be what makes them nervous.

It's really hard to tell why discus are so skittish but I read that putting salf will calm them down. Why I was thinking of trying this in my QT tank just to see if it help.

Since you have bare bottom tank and potted plants, you might want to remove the plants and try a bit of aquarium salt.

Fri Apr 03, 2009, 04:37 AM
Thanks for the reply Daniella

I will have a go using the salt. I know what you mean about getting some no skitsh ones and having them turn skittish and retarded.

will see how it goes
