View Full Version : stocking a 6x2x2

Tue Mar 17, 2009, 11:15 PM
hi guys,

just looking for a reccomendation on the maximum number of discus i could have in the above sized tank.

filtered by an eheim 2228 and a Pro Aqua CF 2200, planted (gravel substrate)

current stock:
6 harlequin rasboras
12 hengeli rasboras
5 glo-lights
4 ottocinclus
1 bristlenose
8 corydoras sterbai
4 blue rams (in qt atm, not actually stocked)
6 discus

i DO NOT want to overstock the tank, as i realise cleanliness will be a huge issue


Wed Mar 18, 2009, 12:09 AM
6-8 discus should be fine in there.

Information taken from one of the sponsors

"I recommend stocking levels as follows:
• Three foot tank: one pair of discus
• Four foot tank: four discus
• 4x2x2: six discus
• 6x2x2: six to eight discus
• 8x2x2: eight to ten discus
At these stocking levels discus are easy. I remember a friend who had just purchased a 6x2x2 fish tank and had never kept fish before, his wife’s passion was discus so we placed 12 cardinals in the tank to cycle it then placed six small discus in the tank. Seven years later they have six large discus. A lesson for all of us."

Wed Mar 18, 2009, 12:43 AM
cool thanks for the reply. so if i wanted two more it would just mean larger volume water changes. im happy with that

Wed Mar 18, 2009, 04:32 AM
larger water changes and more through gravel vacs.

Wed Mar 18, 2009, 06:39 AM
there's a guy on one of our fish forums in NZ - he had about 15(+/-) Discus in a 6 foot tank and was really well planted and only did a 30% waterchange ONCE a week, I thought it's a bit overstocked but his Discus looked healthy in the photos?

Can the 40/50L per discus rule be bent if the waterchange volume was increased??

Wed Mar 18, 2009, 08:00 PM
Can the 40/50L per discus rule be bent if the waterchange volume was increased??

Yes, but care must be taken.