View Full Version : Fish stop eating after prazipro

Mon Mar 16, 2009, 06:12 PM
I just treated my 5 discus because one of them had very fast breathing with one gill closed.

That fish recovered after only 2 hours with Prazipro (wow) and now is breathing normaly but on the second day with prazipro I noticed they started to spit their food quite a bit. Most are still eating despite the spitting out of food but my largest discus has stopped eating.

He did not have any sign of flukes or any other symptoms and it seems that's the medication that is affecting his appetite. He rush on the food and gobble it up quickly but then just spit it out and not swallow it?? Is this normal? he seems really ungry and beg for food when I get near the aquarium. Should I stop the Prazipro or do another dose to make sure it's all gone?

Will the fish resume his usual ogre appetite after the treatment? they were all eating lke pigs before that treatment, even the sick fish, so I am worried.

my water is good. ammonia and nitrite to 0 and nitrate to 5 or less. I did a 50% water change before the treatment.

PH is 7.2 and I won,t change that as it is constant and they been doing great so far. Temperature is 86F.

how long can they go without eating and what should I do to recover his appetite?

Anyone else have the fishes stopping eating when using prazipro? I think I read somewhere that this was common with Prazipro but can,t remember where?

Wed Mar 18, 2009, 06:01 PM
Another thing I noticed is that they have become extremely skittish dashing on the back and behind the plants now. They were very outgoing and not skittish at all before the treatment. Is the treatment enough to do this to that extend?

Anyone can help?