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View Full Version : Synodontis Valintina Qs

Sat Mar 14, 2009, 11:41 AM

I have this wacky Syno that was sold as Synodontis Valintina, and I fell in love with his pretty spots and great personality.

Would anyone have any Idea how big he might get? He's already grown from 3CM to 10CM in the 6 months Ive had him. I'd also like to know how long he might live.

I'm guessing that its a hybrid, its very very pretty I think he might be a Synodontis petricola crossed with a Synodontis multipunctatus . He looks somewhat like a leopard with a dark brown head, gold body and brown spots.

I'm new to keeping Synos and other than they like a high ph and lots of food I'm not that sure about them. They seem to be happy I have the valintina in with 2 feather fins. There were some swordfish in the tank but I think they have been eaten, even though they were quite large. I can see nothing else that would have removed them without a trace... The Large angelfish in with them are also happy and not being eaten.

I'm guessing that he might one day need his own tank? Not sure

Does anyone else have one of these fish?