View Full Version : Tetra Colour Bits
Thu Mar 05, 2009, 06:43 AM
What is your view on this food? Do they REALLY enhance the fish's colour? At the moment, my fish are doing red poos after eating it - is this normal? Also is it true that it will bring out only the red colour in the fish?
Thu Mar 05, 2009, 10:33 AM
I feed colour bits only a couple of times per week. Its normal for the poo to go that colour after eating them. As part of a balanced diet they are great but certainly not as a staple imo.
Thu Mar 05, 2009, 10:15 PM
I sware by colour bits esp for pigion based fish, it really brings out a nice orange base, its pretty much the only pellet food i feed my pigions ( they stil get beefheart and breeders blend flake and freeze dried blackworms).
I would dvise against feeding it to blue diamonds as it tends to turn them yellow orange on a blue base, NLS discus or chiclid is a better dry food for them IMO if you can get them to take a little spriolina flake the beta-caroten really intensifies the blue in the fish.
if you can soak some colorbitrs in some garlic guard most fussy fish will take to it strait away, its a great way to get stubborn fish to eat again after metro treatment and a heavy internal paracite infection.
Thu Mar 05, 2009, 10:36 PM
I agree with BigDaddyAdo, the Tetra Colour Bits is ok but it should not be a staple. I normaly buy a mix of dry stuff and mix it all together. Some tetra colour bits, some of those dried out worms, etc.
if you can soak some colorbitrs in some garlic guard most fussy fish will take to it strait away, its a great way to get stubborn fish to eat again after metro treatment and a heavy internal paracite infection.
I'll have to try this, as I have a Snow White that is a really fussy eater - gobbles up anything that is live, but snubs dry food.
Bad Inferno
Tue Mar 31, 2009, 01:42 PM
I always feed color bits and frozen blood worm. However a couple of years ago I noticed the base of all fins turning yellow and not clear, I blamed the colour bits. However havn't noticed it in recent times, maybe formual changed or the type of discus I now keep it is not so noticeable.
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