View Full Version : Discus quick breathing
Sat Feb 28, 2009, 07:18 AM
I had one little discus that is breathing alot quicker than the rest i have moved all my disucs to a 4 foot tank and just did one course of prazi and 5 days after still breathing just as quick im going to treat agian in 2 days but im not 100%sure its flukes anything else you think it might be.The tank is well air-rated with a airstone and temp is about 29 deg so it cant be oxygen
any advice please?
Sun Mar 01, 2009, 09:00 PM
What is the temp of the tank?
Mon Mar 02, 2009, 02:58 AM
and the temp is about 29 deg so it cant be oxygen
Mon Mar 02, 2009, 09:25 AM
Is your ph ok. Discus need a ph around 5.5 to 6.5. You will need a PH changer to make the water more acidity.
Hope it helps
Mon Mar 02, 2009, 11:10 AM
Doing second course of prazi tomorrow,and my ph is 6.8 in my hospital tank which is alot more neutral than my display tank they are normaly in but because im doing meds don't wanna mess with the ph,i'm preaty sure the ph wont be making them breathing quick?anyone?
Mon Mar 02, 2009, 11:21 AM
just a quick 2 cents. a lower ph reading is not as important as a stable ph.. 6.8 is just fine.. it is the fluctuation they do not like.. it is much harder to maintain a tank that you have to fiddle with the ph.. water comes out of my tap at 7.4 and the fishies are all fine :lol: :lol:
Jono, what are the other readings in your tank - nitrate, nitrite and ammonia. how large is your tank and how often and how much are you completing wc's.
thanks very much
Tue Mar 03, 2009, 01:21 AM
Hey pink ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate about 5 temp at the moment is 29 deg i do 30% on this hospital tank every second day,i just put in the second course today so hopefully that will help the little fella.Oh and the tank is 190litres,also the other 5 discus i got in there at the monent are perfectly heathly and breathing normal all,The rose red which is breathing quick is heathly besides the heavy breathing its eating fine and very active.
Tue Mar 03, 2009, 03:31 AM
Andrew Soh advised me once with a young discus breathng fast to turn the temp down to 27
Fri Mar 06, 2009, 09:18 AM
Alright finished second course of prazi and the juvi discus i was trying to treat is still breathing alot quicker than the rest ph 6.8 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate4 temp 29c any ideas if its got something wrong or i'm just fussing over nothing if it did have flukes it would be def gone and not showing any signs of flukes?
Sat Mar 07, 2009, 02:30 AM
Hi Jono, when you say "little discus" can I assume you mean quite young.. If so, and after doing all the other stuff. I would sit back and watch for a while.. your water parameters seem fine, airstone - on. temp fine too..
I am currently rearing 4 littlies and when you compare their breathing to my adults there is quite a large difference. (different tank) the babies are a bit faster and especially after eating..
If the little one is eating, not hiding, holding colour and fins are up.. no scratching, rubbing, etc.. if all of this applies then a definite wait and see could be on the cards.. he is lucky to have you looking over him.. :wink:
Sat Mar 07, 2009, 02:43 AM
Hey thanks for reply pink, finished treatment and moved all 6 discus back to my 600 litre tank and after i noticed the rose red which is about 7cms was still breathing really quick i got it back out and moved it back to my hospital tank now in there by itself.And now because its alone in the tank it is sitting in the corner with stress bars on.
All my other discus are perfectly fine eating well always up the front of the tank except the little rose red which is the littlest by only 1-2 cms which hangs down the bottom but still eats very well and even beats the others to falling food.
Currently in my hospital tank running a airstone and brought the temp to about 27c going to monitor for a few more days and if no improved i heard about this PP treatment sounds very harsh but might do the job.other than that i guess younger discus do breathe alot faster but the rose red is breathing maybe 100 breaths per min while the rest maybe 40 -50
Sat Mar 07, 2009, 02:44 AM
Also would a picture help of the rose red?
Sat Mar 07, 2009, 03:04 AM
Sat Mar 07, 2009, 03:36 AM
Jono, how long was the RR back in the 600 ltr before you but it back into the HT? sometimes just the transfer is enough to stress them out.. and unfortunately, being alone will not help.
It is a hard call, in the pic, it seems fine. I have just now sat here and watched my babies.. they are 7-9 cm and on average they all breath 50% faster than the adults in the other tank.. but they eat all day long, zoom around the tank and show no signs of illness.
in my adult tank i do have one that is slightly smaller than the rest.. it too it an expert at getting the dropping food, but does not totally get along with the others.. and quite often is found where they are not..
It is a hard call without actually observing the fish. The last time I had a discus in a HT and then put it back it took days to settle back in..
As a faster breathing rate is it's only consistent symptom and it has only appeared stressed since being moved around - I was Just wonderng if others have any thoughts on sit and observe without medication for a while.. v throw stuff at it and see if it helps..
I am sorry to be giving you a "both sides" of the coin but it can be very hard to decide when to medicate and when to wait..
Sat Mar 07, 2009, 04:11 AM
I had it in the 600lt for about 24 hours the others are totaly fine and i know what you mean having a discus on its own isnt going to show its true form because they dont like beening alone so i might hold it in the tank for a few days and see if it stops if not mind no some advise what other treatments other than prazi
Thanks for your help pink :)
Sun Mar 08, 2009, 09:12 AM
Things have gotten worse now two of my other guys are showing signs of gill flukes when they didt show sign's before i treated them all two of them are breathing from one gill heavly.So i think i'm going to have to try and get some of this PP if i can get it at the cemist i heard alot of people can get it easy :?
Also like to say i wouldt bother wasting your money on prazi did't do anything to kill flukes and i treated the exact way it was recommended on here :x
Sun Mar 08, 2009, 09:12 AM
Things have gotten worse now two of my other guys are showing signs of gill flukes when they didt show sign's before i treated them all two of them are breathing from one gill heavly.So i think i'm going to have to try and get some of this PP if i can't get it at the chemist i heard alot of people can get it easy :?
Also like to say i wouldt bother wasting your money on prazi did't do anything to kill flukes and i treated the exact way it was recommended on here :x
Sun Mar 08, 2009, 09:20 AM
sorry about the fishies Jono. At least now they are showing better signs of what is wrong.. good luck with the treatment
Sun Mar 08, 2009, 09:47 AM
Yeah stressing out a fair bit about it just ordered PP online so should arrive soon and will be able to treat,If i move them all to a hospital tank could the flukes still be in my comminty tank?or will i have to treat my 600 litre tank i did't want to do that because of the amount of plants i have
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