Wed Feb 18, 2009, 11:28 AM
I've read a lot lately about pple putting sponges over the strainer on their intake tube, as a pre filter. The idea is that this will keep your cannister cleaner.
Wondering who on this forum does it & how it works out for you. I have started doing it & find it works well on the tanks I do water changes on daily (the juvi tank for example).
My planted & main display tanks only get 2 x 50% wc a week & the thing about the pre filter is that all the left over beef heart & other food is sucked up to the sponge & stays there, instead of being sucked into the filter & out of the tank. Now, I know that is the idea of it, so can't complain about that. But, the sponge does need to be rinsed daily, but no matter how carefully I remove the sponge for the daily clean, the little bits of debris fly all over my tank. Maybe I shouldn't worry about that, as after I rinse the sponge out & put it back in place, I guess all that debris will make it's way to the pre filter again.
Just wondered what others might think of their use.
Wondering who on this forum does it & how it works out for you. I have started doing it & find it works well on the tanks I do water changes on daily (the juvi tank for example).
My planted & main display tanks only get 2 x 50% wc a week & the thing about the pre filter is that all the left over beef heart & other food is sucked up to the sponge & stays there, instead of being sucked into the filter & out of the tank. Now, I know that is the idea of it, so can't complain about that. But, the sponge does need to be rinsed daily, but no matter how carefully I remove the sponge for the daily clean, the little bits of debris fly all over my tank. Maybe I shouldn't worry about that, as after I rinse the sponge out & put it back in place, I guess all that debris will make it's way to the pre filter again.
Just wondered what others might think of their use.