View Full Version : Hello

Wed Feb 18, 2009, 10:52 AM
hey im Richard 19 i live in Sydney only became a member a month or so ago. I am only learning about aquariums my tank is a 3 year progress started when i was 16 with a cabinet and started building it up never got fish in it till about 8 months ago for the first time then they all died took me a while to get my confidence back up and to setup my tank again.

My tank has been running now for about 2 months and have not lost any fish so far. Below are some photos of my tank and my favorite ones in it my 2 discus. They haveo nly been in the tank for 1 day so far and have settled in fine i was given them to me for free by a mate so not too bad.

The tank houses 12 X tetra neons
6 X Common Bristle Nose Catfish
2 X Discus not sure of the name of the strain the larger one is the mother of the smaller one and the father died couple of months ago when my mate owned them

Hope you enjoy the photos




Wed Feb 18, 2009, 12:10 PM
Hi Richie,

Really like the fish, I'm thinking blue turquoise, and I hope the ones I've got turn out as nice.

Really like the set-up you have put together also. Wish I was that handy.

I hope they keep going strong for you. I am sure that if you had a mate give them to you you will have all the water parameters right and all will be well.



Wed Feb 18, 2009, 12:15 PM
hey Richie welcome - nice looking fish. they look like spotted leopards to me. Either way they look nice and healthy, hope everything goes well with them!

Sun Mar 08, 2009, 02:21 AM
just an update the discus are still going strong was worried at first lost a lot of colour and wouldn't eat but after a couple of days they started eating and returned to normal again :)

Sun Mar 08, 2009, 09:32 AM
Welcome Richie,

This is normal for discus, it's a bit like being the new kid at school, just a bit stressed.


Sun Mar 08, 2009, 12:15 PM
Welcome Richie

That is a nice tank & you're lucky to have a friend to give you such nice free discus.

Hope you enjoy the forum