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View Full Version : Hi guys!

Fri Feb 13, 2009, 10:34 AM
I've recently returned to keeping Discus after several years away from the hobby. My first foray was about 8yrs ago when I was keeping Africans and got the chance to get some juvi Blue turqs for a bargain price.. I only got 4 at the time and they were smaller than a 50c piece. These tough little guys had to endure being transported all over the country in a bucket with a battery pump (my job moves me a lot!) To their credit, they thrived and I ended up with two breeding pairs!
I eventually had to sell them after a number of years due to my increasing work commitments, a very sad day indeed but the pleasure they gave my was beyond measure. That's why I came back. I find these fish more fascinating than any other I've kept.
I'm from Wollongong and have found a couple of breeders selling some very high quality stock at excellent prices. As a result, I now have 2 White Diamonds and 6 Snakeskin Leopards.
I'm in the process of building a twin 4ft tank display setup for the living room so I'll post picks when it's done.
I look forward to your advise.

Swampy :newbie

Fri Feb 13, 2009, 10:38 PM
Hi, welcome to the fourm :wave: