View Full Version : New to Discus

Sun Jan 23, 2005, 06:24 AM

I have just joined as a new member after purchasing a couple of Turquiose Discus. I spent most of this weekend remodeling the tank to set up for Discus. I have kept Tropical fish for 10 years or so, mostly Barbs, Sharks, Clown Loaches, ect but thought I would give the Discus a try. There is a so much information here it makes your head spin but I am going into this with a basic approach:

1) Water temp 28-30 degrees
2) PH 6-7
3) Low hardness (not a problem with Adelaide tap water)
4) Change 25% of water every week

I am running a large internal wool filter, but on top of this will filter out waste / plant material every other day and return the strained water back to the tank. I think I am going to need to do this as I have a sand base and many plants.

I know Discus tend not to like other varieties of fish and some of you may fall over when I tell you that I have 5 Moss Barbs sharing the tank with the 2 Discus, (70L tank). But they all seem to be getting along very well, I was worried the Barbs would be to aggressive but they seem to stay well clear of the Discus. The other benefit of Barbs are that they are big eaters and tend to hoover up any left over rotting food.

Wish me luck,



Sun Jan 23, 2005, 06:33 AM
Welcome :D

Discus are very sensitive to water quality. I would be atleast be doing that water change every second day not once a week. :wink:

Sun Jan 23, 2005, 06:38 PM
Welcome to the discus world...............
The world of headaches..........
Nah, don't worry. There're lots of pros in here that can solve almost anything...........
Good luck, mate........

Mon Jan 24, 2005, 12:03 AM
Get rid of the Barbs asap, the will start biting the Discus very soon, not a good Idea to have them in the same tank.....................
Buy some corys for bottom feeders..........