View Full Version : what's up

Tue Feb 10, 2009, 06:16 AM

These guys aren't looking well and I am not sure what's up. Fins are clamped to their body and they are either lying nearly on their side or nose down. The other fish in the tank are fine except these 3. When I approach the tank they swim to the top looking for a feed and they do eat. I did a prazi treatment 2 weeks ago with a follow up treatment due to be started tomorrow. All water paras are fine but did a 30% change today anyway. Not sure what to do next.

Tue Feb 10, 2009, 06:30 AM
Keep up the water changes - are you heating and pretreating the water before you add it?

I would do 30% once a day, heated, pretreated, and aged WC for the next few days and see what happens...

Tue Feb 10, 2009, 09:40 PM
Another one added to the pack this morning. I was thinking possibly some kind of parasite??? I had a small angel in my community tank that was being beaten up so I took it out and put it in the discus tank(then it stared beating up the discus). Although it was mine and had been treated for gill flukes and so on it could have possibly bought something into the tank. Should I do a pp treatment or continue with water changes?

Tue Feb 10, 2009, 10:00 PM
Leanne, I think I would PP them and see how it goes. For the clamped fins it sounds external, but pointing down suggests internal. :?

Tue Feb 10, 2009, 10:08 PM
So maybe it could still be the gill fluke and worms? ??I am half way through the big l and parazi treatment. They were showing signs of both before I started treatment. What do you think pp or continue with worming?

Tue Feb 10, 2009, 10:14 PM
I would finsh the treatment you are doing right now, give them a week or so of just clean water, see how they fair. Then we'll re-think, unless they go downhill ok. :)

Tue Feb 10, 2009, 10:18 PM
Thanks Steve. Do you think I should put the effected ones in a seperate tank just in case?

Tue Feb 10, 2009, 10:20 PM
No, treat them all, probably better.

Wed Feb 11, 2009, 07:43 AM
I ran out of Prazi so called a couple of aquariums. They didn't even know what I was talking about. :shock:

Mon Feb 23, 2009, 09:22 PM
had a good recovery for 3 fish but one is still not well. No fin clamping he is pale in colour and not eating at all. This is 2 weeks no food. I have taken him out and put him in a hospital tank and started metro 4 days ago but the poor little fella has got to be slowly dying. No poop no pinched head no symptoms. I worry he is sulking and it is me killing him by keeping him seperated but then if he is sick I can't really put him back in the tank with the others. :? What to do.

Mon Feb 23, 2009, 09:37 PM
Sad Leanne, but continue the course now you have started. Maybe try to feed some live brine shrimp if you can get it. Might help :?

Thu Feb 26, 2009, 08:41 PM
Gosh it's getting close to three weeks with no food, the poor thing is so skinny. I am considering doing the horrible task of putting him out of his mysery. I have one treatment of metro to go. What do you think? Is there a possibility that he can come through this? I really don't believe it is hex there is no symptoms of anything he is just pale, not eating and very very skinny. I hate looking at him like this.

Thu Feb 26, 2009, 09:31 PM

If the forehead is already looking pinched, it might be the kindest thing to get the clove oil out. :cry:

Thu Feb 26, 2009, 10:03 PM
Yep the head is now pinched. He was a very fat little discus before this and I am sure that is the only reason he is still here. Where do I get clove oil from chemist or health food store?

Thu Feb 26, 2009, 10:13 PM
Pm sent,

Clove oil you can get at a chemist, I got mine at a big chain store here in the uk. If they ask what it is, it is used for toothache, but they should know that.

Fri Feb 27, 2009, 12:42 AM
I did 100% water change and turned the temp down a little. He was actually displaying which was a good sign. I added some dry blackworm soaked in his tank water and he ate 1 lousy worm. :roll: Now he is back hiding under the bridge all clamped. :( . I will continue with the water changes daily and see how he goes and I will also get some live food tomorrow.

Sun Mar 01, 2009, 09:04 PM
He is out swimming around slowly. All his fins are up but the little bugger won't eat. I tried everything from garlic juice soaked food live brine even adding live blackworm and nothing. I just want to shove food down his mouth. I have decided if he is not eating by the weekend then I will put him to sleep unless he gets worse earlier. :(