View Full Version : Planted Discus Tank
Sun Feb 08, 2009, 09:22 AM
Anybody has a planted tank setup with discus in there? Care to share some photos? Does anyone know what other additional requirements needed to make the planted tank suitable for discus other than suitable tank mates? Thanks.
Sun Feb 08, 2009, 10:03 AM
I've got a planted tank. I'll try and get some pictures up when I get a chance. I use ADA substrate and fertiliser program with CO2 injection. I don't do anything special because of the discus. Probably easier though with a planted tank to stock with adult fish rather than try and grow out younger fish.
Thu Apr 02, 2009, 06:42 PM
I think if you go with a planted tank, don't plant so that they fish have too many places to hide. Like use low covering plants and a few longer at the back (not too dense).
I have a heavily planted tank with lots of place to hide and my fishes are very skittish. They dash for cover at the slightest thing. No place to hide, no hiding, voilą.
I have seen some very beautiful planted thank for discus with tall plants only in the back and side and a hudge clear area in the center, with lots of small short plants:
I think that would work best. This is only based on my personal experience with my planted tank and my fish behavior (bad bad bad).
Thu Apr 02, 2009, 08:00 PM
I have a personal preferene for planted discus tanks, but only for adults. If you have juvies, best to stick with BB until they grow up.
Anyway, here's a pic of my planted discus tank
No skittish discus, so I have been lucky there.
Thu Apr 02, 2009, 08:15 PM
It looks very nice
Taz Devil
Sat Apr 04, 2009, 06:26 AM
Hi Aseah
I have a planted tank with Juv discus in there. If you have a look at mine (
I do not think it is to bad.
Yes I admit it will take longer for the discus to grow, however, I also know that Barramundi has does the same before.
Good luck
Sat Apr 04, 2009, 07:54 AM
Wow TW, your tank is fantastic! But wouldn't it be a bit hard to siphon out all the waste around the plants? They look pretty clumped together.
Sat Apr 04, 2009, 10:14 AM
Hi Aseah
I have a planted tank with Juv discus in there. If you have a look at mine (
I do not think it is to bad.
Yes I admit it will take longer for the discus to grow, however, I also know that Barramundi has does the same before.
Good luck
Growing juvies out in a planted tank can lead to stunted out of shape fish. Juvenile fish's growing rate is highest in the first year to 18 months of life, allowing/forcing them to grow slowly during this time (unless they have exceptional genetics) will not result in a desired form.
Sun Apr 05, 2009, 03:49 AM
Wow TW, your tank is fantastic! But wouldn't it be a bit hard to syphon out all the waste around the plants? They look pretty clumped together. Many of the annubia are on small pieces of driftwood that are removable - not that I remove them every time, but I can when I need to.
When doing a wc, I have a narrow vac that I use first. I poke it in & amongst the leaves to get the debris out. The soil is ADA & you can't deep gravel vac ADA anyway, so then my little vac squeezes in between the plants & hovers just above the substrate getting more debris.
When that is all done, out comes my bigger & wider gravel vac to drain out the water. It also deep vacs the beach area.
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