Sat Feb 07, 2009, 04:48 AM
Hi All,
I have just received four young discus that I have been waiting for since middle of last year from LFS, dealing with Bayfish.
I had been disappointed with non-arrival on several ocassions but had maintained the aquarium at ph 6 - 6.5, gh at 60, kh at 30.
LFS phoned late yesterday to say that they had arrived but i was unable to get down to pick them up. As a result they were released into the LFS plant tank to hold for me overnight.
I went down to pick them up this morning and tested LFS water, ph 8 - 8.5, gh 360, kh at 310 (no printing errors with these numbers). At the moment I have them at home, two per bag with air stones running into the water. I am running a drip feed of my aquarium water into the bags. I have increased the amount of water by about one third and am holding at that for the next hour. I will then increase about 30% again using the same method. Question being is this rate too fast. How long can I hold them to make the change? Ideally I would like to make such a significant change over a minimum of two weeks but I just don't have the amount of water required from the LFS to go this slowly.
Any help suggestions would be much appreciated.
For further info, LFS uses local water supply (Alice Springs) and it is not quite as bad as some other areas in the Territory.
In the aquarium I use condensate off my refrig airconditioners and add elector-right at recommended dosages for Discus, Kh developer and blackwater extract from Tetra.
I had discus a few years ago using the same methodology and had regular spawnings over a couple of years.
I have just received four young discus that I have been waiting for since middle of last year from LFS, dealing with Bayfish.
I had been disappointed with non-arrival on several ocassions but had maintained the aquarium at ph 6 - 6.5, gh at 60, kh at 30.
LFS phoned late yesterday to say that they had arrived but i was unable to get down to pick them up. As a result they were released into the LFS plant tank to hold for me overnight.
I went down to pick them up this morning and tested LFS water, ph 8 - 8.5, gh 360, kh at 310 (no printing errors with these numbers). At the moment I have them at home, two per bag with air stones running into the water. I am running a drip feed of my aquarium water into the bags. I have increased the amount of water by about one third and am holding at that for the next hour. I will then increase about 30% again using the same method. Question being is this rate too fast. How long can I hold them to make the change? Ideally I would like to make such a significant change over a minimum of two weeks but I just don't have the amount of water required from the LFS to go this slowly.
Any help suggestions would be much appreciated.
For further info, LFS uses local water supply (Alice Springs) and it is not quite as bad as some other areas in the Territory.
In the aquarium I use condensate off my refrig airconditioners and add elector-right at recommended dosages for Discus, Kh developer and blackwater extract from Tetra.
I had discus a few years ago using the same methodology and had regular spawnings over a couple of years.