View Full Version : 3 Red Fin Sharks to Give Away!

Sat Feb 07, 2009, 01:44 AM
3 redfin Sharks.

these little fellas are well looked after, i make sure they eat even though they are bullied by the bigger one. there is no fin or body damage, though because they are bullied, they are not as bright as they should be. A good home will fix this.

I live in the SE suburbs of Melbourne.

If your interested, IM me

Sun Feb 08, 2009, 12:06 AM
Dont forget, im not charging for these, and the only reason im getting rid of them is because the bigger Red Fin im keeping is more aggressive then these ones, having said that, the ones im getting rid of are very healthy!

They will not suit a Discus tank, only Community Tanks because as they grow (and they will .. .to about 5 inches), they can get a little more aggressive. The best place for them is in a tank with Gourami.

I will drop them off to you if your close (I'm at Boronia), other wise you will need to collect them.

Sun Feb 08, 2009, 01:23 AM

Sun Feb 08, 2009, 04:46 AM

thanks Sammy for giving them a good home.