View Full Version : Jewel cichilids can they be kepty with discus
Tue Feb 03, 2009, 09:54 AM
Can l keep 2 male and 2 female jewel cichlids in the same tank as my patterened pidgeon blood discus ........and if not do they require any special do l need to use "african KH + potassium powder in their tanks and do they require the white rock l know some species of cichlids do .............????????
Tue Feb 03, 2009, 10:39 AM
The Jewel Cichlid grows around 10-15 cm. It is an African cichlid that can be quite fierce, especially when it is breeding .
Hope that answers your question
Wed Feb 04, 2009, 12:53 AM
As far as I know the red jewel cichlid is from the river systems of africa and it likes acidic water so water conditions would not be your problem. Not sure how they take 28-30C temperatures, I'm guessing 28C would be fine they are supposed to be tough fish.
They do have a bit of a reputation of being the pit bulls of african fish, especially when breeding as revkev said. I think I will give it a try at some stage as I really like the red jewel cichlids. If you try it let us know how it goes . I tried firemouths with discus in a pretty crowded tank, everyone was recommending not to do it etc, the firemouths enver displayed aggression towards discus, they did chase around bolivian rams, geos but never discus. The problem I encountered that the discus diet was not good at all for firemouths and killed them in the end, beef heart to be exact.
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