View Full Version : Angels with smaller fish
Tue Jan 27, 2009, 10:02 AM
I have heard that angels will eat pretty much anything that will fit in their mouth. Will guppies be eaten? If i introduce the guppies when the angels are young, will they still eat them when they grow up?
Thu Jan 29, 2009, 05:42 AM
1 answer to that..yup!.. yes they will eat them and all the babies that the guppies produce..2-3 cm they are semi agresssive ans territorial..not advised at all..
guppies being live bearers they have a short life span,so warm waters that Angels would want your guppies will reproduce like crazy, after 3-4 breds the female dies off.. and your always having to check the tank for the deseased,being messy, dirty= water changes..
Fri Feb 13, 2009, 09:27 AM
How about cardinal tetras? I have heard that they can grow quite big...but will they be eaten?
Fri Feb 13, 2009, 10:59 AM
Yep Angels LOVE Cardinals in fact in the wild thats exactly what they eat !!!!
We put 1000 Cardinals in with Altums and discus once for a joke .... they ate em all ...
Sat Feb 14, 2009, 12:31 AM
i think you need to take into account the angel's temperament and how young it is when it first encounters smaller fish. i have a six-foot tank with over 50 cardinals, 40 ember tetras (which are pretty damn small) and none of the angels i've kept (all of which i've bought quite small) have ever had a go at them. of course they chase them when breeding, and will happily take a carcass if i don't find it first, but they've never chased one down and eaten it. of course if you put small fish with a big angel, it will eat them. but i think if you keep them well-fed, they don't really want to expend the energy on the chase.
Sat Mar 14, 2009, 10:42 AM
angels eat everything, mine have eaten all my sword fish which were at least 5cm! I learned the hard way that anything smallish was going to end up as dinner. The only smallish thing that does live ok with them is the Bristle Nose catfish that hide under plants.
Sat Mar 14, 2009, 10:49 AM
angels eat everything, mine have eaten all my sword fish which were at least 5cm! I learned the hard way that anything smallish was going to end up as dinner. The only smallish thing that does live ok with them is the Bristle Nose catfish that hide under plants.
Wow! How big are your angels? Reckon they will eat harlequin or hengeli rasboras? White clouds?
Sat Mar 14, 2009, 02:04 PM
Hi there... Guppies will be gonners for sure.. mine didn't last long.. I did however have rummynoses last as well as larger bodied tetras... A lot depends on the temperment of the angels, and the size and aquascaping of your tank.. I found that most of the killing seems to be stealth killing at night.. So if the smaller fish have a large school and places to hide it could work. Never saw an angel takedown a swordtail...WOW..That would have truely been a kodak moment... Good luck with your tank.. Sue :D
Fri Mar 27, 2009, 06:09 AM
they're big but I dunno, there is one that Likes to attack things, I think he is probably responsible for most of the deaths, he's a bit of a pack leader. The other angels follow his lead =)
He's a big golden perl scale very pretty
Fri Mar 27, 2009, 09:51 PM
Yep Angels LOVE Cardinals in fact in the wild thats exactly what they eat !!!!
We put 1000 Cardinals in with Altums and discus once for a joke .... they ate em all ...
That's quite an expensive joke! Where did you find 1000 cardinals? Wow :)
Thu Apr 09, 2009, 09:04 AM
How about cardinal tetras? I have heard that they can grow quite big...but will they be eaten?
Yeah I thought that by buying the angels small along with neon tetras they would learn to love each other! You know what I am going to say! Every day after a week or two neons were found dead. Had to take out all the neons and put them in the tank at work! Damn, neons looked really good together with the angels!
Thu Apr 09, 2009, 09:45 AM
i keep angels with neon tetras without a problem... depends on the angels though.
the rule of thumb that 'if a fish will fit inside another fish's mouth, it probably will end up there' DOES usually apply to angel fish!
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