View Full Version : Getting my first tropical fish aquarium!

Tue Jan 27, 2009, 09:36 AM
Hi all
I am new to all this tropical fish keeping and was recommended to join this site.
I am sure to ask for your help, so thanks in advance!
Looking forward to getting my first tropical fish - hopefully it will be soon!

Tue Jan 27, 2009, 09:32 PM
Welcome Barrac'

I hope you find your journey into keeping fish a smooth one. The most important things to remember are patience and learning how to read water.

Please don't make the mistakes that too many make and start by buying fish before you know how to look after them. I know it is tempting to fill a tank with water and add fish, but this is not the way to do it. Read up on the fish you are going to keep, read up on the Nitrogen Cycle, read up on fishless cycling, read up on testing your water and water changing. Make sure you also know the demands of keeping Discus if this is your chosen route. Read up on sourcing 'good' fish, starting with good stock is always a good start.

We are here to help, but please do your homework before posting right off the bat that you have sick fish.

Good luck

H :)