View Full Version : Chinese Algae Eater Help
Sat Jan 17, 2009, 11:39 PM
For the life of my I can not figure out what is wrong with my Chinese Algae Eater.
This started about two weeks ago with the tail fin starting to get ragged. I immediatly though fin rot so I went out and began treatment with 5 days of Maracyn which had no affect. The frayed fins quickly turned into a dark red covering that began slowly moving up the body of the fish. I added some 30day mardel Coppersafe which 2 weeks later also has not seemed to have any affect.
Water Conditions in the 47gal Tank are normal 0 Amm 0 Nitrite 40ppm Nitrate 6.8ph water is slightly brackish 1.004.
The suckerfish (about 2 years old now) seems a little lethargic but has a healthy appetite and continues to eat. The disease seems to be mostly on the rear/underbody of the fish. The tail fin is very ragged at this point and the red affecting the fins has spread to two other fins (see attachment for pictures)
Any suggestions / help would be greatly appricated.
Sun Jan 18, 2009, 12:31 AM
NitrAte is way too high for my liking, what is your water change routine, have you tested your aged water beofre you change it?
Sun Jan 18, 2009, 08:47 PM
Your water conditions dont sit well with me either..
What other tank mates has this little guy?
dont think these guys ( golden algae loach) sit well with any kind of salinity in its tank water.. has he alway been in this tank with salt?
Mon Jan 19, 2009, 09:46 PM
I think I have got it figured out.
This is an advanced case of Bacterial Hemorrhagic Septicemia.
Recommended treatment: 10 days Oxytetracycline Powder (which I couldnt find at the local pet stores so I went with marcyn-two (treats fin rot and septicemia) 10 days in hospitol tank.
I have always had the brackish water in this tank. I am in middle of setting up a 120gal tank (upgrade) and was holding off putting this guy in there until he was healed up.
water change routine for the 47 gal was: gravel cleaned with vacuum and 30% water change every 2 weeks. Water was dechlorinified / treated before added to tank.
tank mates: 4 Silver Dollars, 1 pictus catfish (which I have since learned do no do well in any kind of salted water, he seems much happier in the new 120 non-brackish tank), 1 darwf goromii, 1 banded leopordis, 4 pricilla tetras, 2 tetras, 3 cherry barbs (best fish in the tank, active happy and non skittish like the silver dollars)
Tue Jan 20, 2009, 06:25 AM
ok, sorry Im confused are you saying all these fish are in Brackish waters?.... in my keeping of 25 yrs not one of those fish are brackish fish..
theres maybe about 6 maybe 7 known species for sale in the LFS for brackish, they would be Rainbows, scats, green puffers,columbian sharks, dragon gobys, mollies and platy's would do better in salt water..
huh!..never heard that before.. for these species
silver dollars might, not sure..
what kind and what amount of salt do you add to the 47gal?
Tue Jan 20, 2009, 06:33 AM
If you have 40 NitrAtes showing then you must have a reading of ammonia..
good stocking for a 47gal lowered by the amount of decor you have..
you'd what too keep your NitrAtes to only showing around 5, then do the water up that 30% to per week or every 3-4 days a 25% water change..dont let the NitrAtes run away like that..
water quality is everything to a fish..
Tue Jan 20, 2009, 06:17 PM
I'm with Sue, why are you adding salt?
Check for ammonia, NitrIte, NitrAte and Ph, you need to do s couple of big water changes and up the frequency you are doing.
Wed Jan 21, 2009, 02:30 AM
Just try not to spend more medication on the fish than the fish is actually worth ;) . don't know about canada but thos suckers here can be bought for around $5. not worth medicating except for something thats easily treatable imo.
Sat Jan 24, 2009, 04:15 AM
..dime a dozen.. the saying for cheap cheap cheap..
$1.99 Can. 2cm fish..
I can relate to having a fish for a length of time ,you dont want to lose it.
but sure, is it really worth treating the whole tank with Maracyn or Maracyn 2 and risking losing more fish due to the meds.. no way..
and IMO these little guys are not good with meds..of any kind..
taking in to concideration the tank having salt( slightly brackish as mentioned) is not good at all..over a period of time this is what has more than likely ailed the fish , relating to this now..
my 2 cents on this thread..
putting him in fresh clean water(tropical ,warm) might be just waht he needs..suprising what a fish can bounce back from in just plain good water quality!!
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