View Full Version : Driftwood?
Wed Jan 14, 2009, 07:34 AM
Hi all. My name is Gary and I have just re-entered the hobby after an absence of twenty years. I just bought a pair of Red Spotted Greens. I think they are of Malaysian origin. Got them from Boronia Aquarium. Any way oes nr know of a source of good shaped drift woodie branched that doesnt cost a fortune.
On a side note some thing never change. I have laughed at comments regarding lack of stock. People today wouldnt have cped too well in the 80's where most Discus had the shape of Severums and had little or no colour. I used to gof rom one side of Melbourne to the other looking for decent stock and more often than not, go home disapponted and empty handed. Cheers Gary.
Wed Jan 14, 2009, 07:37 AM
Hi all. My name is Gary and I have just re-entered the hobby after an absence of twenty years. I just bought a pair of Red Spotted Greens. I think they are of Malaysian origin. Got them from Boronia Aquarium. Any way does anyone know of a source of good shaped drift wood ie branched that doesn't cost a fortune.
On a side note, some thing never change. I have laughed at comments regarding lack of stock. People today wouldnt have coped too well in the 80's where most Discus had the shape of Severums and had little or no colour. I used to go from one side of Melbourne to the other looking for decent stock and more often than not, went home disapponted and empty handed. Cheers Gary.
Thu Jan 15, 2009, 04:44 AM
Do you have any good bushland near you? Try there, and if you find a piece you like, I'd suggest getting out the gurney and giving it a good blast. Then set up a steel drum with some water over a fire then pop your wood in for about 2-3 hours. That'll guarantee to get out any nasties.
Thu Jan 15, 2009, 11:20 AM
Welcome back to the hobby Gary.
Seems like we never get discus out of our blood.
A lot of things have changed in the last 20 years, but a lot of things have stayed the same :wink:
New technology has made some things easier, but the basics of clean water, warmth and good food remain unchanged.
I hope you enjoy your return to the aquarium hobby.
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