View Full Version : Shying Discus
Mon Jan 12, 2009, 09:43 AM
My Discus fish just stay & not moving in one corner on my fish tank for few days already.
Does anybody know what happen to my discus fish?
For your infor, i just bought it 2 weeks ago & for the first fews days there is no problem, but after 3rd days onwards until today, this discus fish only stay & no moving. i've never encounter this problem before.
Mon Jan 12, 2009, 06:07 PM
Is your tank cycled?
Tue Jan 13, 2009, 12:31 AM
yes, every 2 days. is that correct?
does the ph level resulted to this problem?
for your info the ph i measure is around 8 to 8.
Is your tank cycled?
Tue Jan 13, 2009, 12:55 AM
whats your ammonia and no2?
Tue Jan 13, 2009, 02:25 AM
i guess you didn't cycle it properly..
Is it eating?
Tue Jan 13, 2009, 04:01 AM
yes, every 2 days. is that correct?[quote]
Tue Jan 13, 2009, 06:22 PM
yes, every 2 days. is that correct?
does the ph level resulted to this problem?
for your info the ph i measure is around 8 to 8.
Is your tank cycled?
By 'cycled' I am asking if you have a mature filter running. A mature filter will be able to cope with converting the waste from the fish into less toxic chemicals.
Get a test kit and test for Ammonia, NitrIte and NitrAte and Ph
Please post your results, as well as a detailed description of your tank and how you maintain it please.
H :wink:
Wed Jan 14, 2009, 12:30 AM
yes, every 2 days. is that correct?
does the ph level resulted to this problem?
for your info the ph i measure is around 8 to 8.
Is your tank cycled?
By 'cycled' I am asking if you have a mature filter running. A mature filter will be able to cope with converting the waste from the fish into less toxic chemicals.
Get a test kit and test for Ammonia, NitrIte and NitrAte and Ph
Please post your results, as well as a detailed description of your tank and how you maintain it please.
H :wink:
i'm not using filter at this moment. by your reply, i'll buy a filter soon.
i'm going to get a kit & test it for the ph. i think the ph was too high.
Wed Jan 14, 2009, 12:42 AM
i'm not using filter at this moment. by your reply, i'll buy a filter soon.
:shock: 'O lord'. I hope your doing 100% water changes every day?
Do a bit of :book to avoid him :angel
Wed Jan 14, 2009, 03:34 AM
You don't have a filter? :shock: . The poor discus! No wonder why they are so sluggish. Generally speaking, you can't cycle your tank UNLESS you have a filter. I'd suggest getting those discus into a cycled tank quick smart and buy a filter for the tank they're in now so it can start to cycle!
Wed Jan 14, 2009, 01:38 PM
You don't have a filter? :shock: . The poor discus! No wonder why they are so sluggish. Generally speaking, you can't cycle your tank UNLESS you have a filter. I'd suggest getting those discus into a cycled tank quick smart and buy a filter for the tank they're in now so it can start to cycle!
Thanks for your useful information.
I'll buy a filter.
Wed Jan 14, 2009, 06:12 PM
i'm not using filter at this moment. by your reply, i'll buy a filter soon.
i'm going to get a kit & test it for the ph. i think the ph was too high.
Oh dear....!!!! :shock:
I am also going to assume that you do not have a heater either?
I would strongly recommend that you return your fish to the store where you bought them.
To cycle a tank will take on average 4-6 weeks. This means NO FISH at all for that time. NONE......NADA.....ZILCH.....ZERO
You really need to read all you can on keeping fish, not just Discus, but any fish. Read about the nitrogen cycle, and also look at how to do a fishless cycle
Please for the sake of your fish, read read read. Re-home your present fish for 6 weeks until you know you have a stable environment and then read about the water requirements for discus.
Discus are not cheap fish, I don't know anyone who can afford to kill their stock, please do not make this mistake.
Use the 'search' facility here to look up on the items I have highlighted. We are here to help you, but you have to do some homework right now.
H :wink:
Thu Jan 15, 2009, 10:41 AM
Com'on Guys,
His in Penang..... His just trying to do what everyone who keeps discus in panang do..... LOL
Thu Jan 15, 2009, 12:03 PM
heater? in penang? have you ever been to penang? it's hot! even at night it's freggin hot. you sit and watch tv at night and sweat.. you start sweating while drying yourself after a shower....
Thu Jan 15, 2009, 06:13 PM
I'm sorry, I have not been fortunate enough to afford to travel that far.
Fri Jan 16, 2009, 05:07 AM
ok.. so its HOT in Penang..?? and they cant get away with not using heaters in thier tanks..?????? but Filters.. come on..
wonder what the guy got for the fish.. :o ..quick buck he made there..
<< shakes head>>
Thu Apr 02, 2009, 07:01 PM
Never mind the ph test kit, get yourself an ammonia and nitrite test kit. I bet those fishes are irradiated with dangerous ammonia!
They need a cycled filter, they need a good heater, and when you do water change you must use water that has been dechlorinated. Use Seachem Prime for conditioning the water BEFORE putting it in the aquarium.
I cycled my tank with the discus in it but was doing 50% water change each day with Prime. this is very important as ammonia is going to burn your fish gill to death.
yes, every 2 days. is that correct?
does the ph level resulted to this problem?
for your info the ph i measure is around 8 to 8.
Is your tank cycled?
By 'cycled' I am asking if you have a mature filter running. A mature filter will be able to cope with converting the waste from the fish into less toxic chemicals.
Get a test kit and test for Ammonia, NitrIte and NitrAte and Ph
Please post your results, as well as a detailed description of your tank and how you maintain it please.
H :wink:
i'm not using filter at this moment. by your reply, i'll buy a filter soon.
i'm going to get a kit & test it for the ph. i think the ph was too high.
Thu Apr 02, 2009, 07:08 PM
I guess they don't have AC either...
in any case, the temp vary too much, from 35 to 24 at night at least according to at this time of the year.
This variation is NOT GOOD! a heater will make it even.
heater? in penang? have you ever been to penang? it's hot! even at night it's freggin hot. you sit and watch tv at night and sweat.. you start sweating while drying yourself after a shower....
Thu Apr 02, 2009, 10:57 PM
diffrent parts of the worls keep discus in diffrent ways, in my last trip to penang i was for tunate enough to speek to afew breeders and heres a few things i learned about malaysian discus keepers.
1 day and night temp is 30C flat! many of them dont use heaters they dont need to. the water out of the tap is 27C
2 most dont use filters they just change 100% of the water 3-6x a day, they just use an airstone to keep the O2 up as the water is so hot.
3 most dont use chemicals, their water if fine from the tap.
4 not that many places have AC
Malaysia produces a huge quantity of discus, their methods are very diffrent to ours but no less effective the out put from these farms is trully mind blowing and something you need to see to believe.
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