View Full Version : Blue Diamond going dark

Mon Jan 05, 2009, 07:28 AM
My Blue diamond is getting darker and his eyes also.
stays in the corner. still eats a littlebut is looking bad. His fins are always down too.
most of my discuss are very scared also when i come to feed them

Thanks in advance

Mon Jan 05, 2009, 08:15 AM
oh wow he is dark! What are the water parameters of the tank. If you post the readings pf ph, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, temp and let us know your water change regime. Also what his poop is like, is there white stringy poop.
How long has he been in the tank, what are his tank mates? Has he been wormed at all? Is he struggling to breathe? The more information the better then we can help you help him get better. You might try a 50% water now, clean water is always helpful.
Here from you soon