View Full Version : Why the censorship?

Fri Dec 26, 2008, 12:12 AM
So, where's my "Why So Serious?" Is talking about hobbyists and their shortcomings, how to resolve it, and how to make this hobby more accessible a taboo that censorship is the only option? I thought this particular forum was for non-discus related discussion?

If you feel my posts isn't up to forum spec, then delete it, but it only proves my point that most, not all, discus hobbyists prefer the make it an exclusive club or clique. If you have a problem with my posts, PM me or let me know. If you can't understand my humor, then you can't, but I'm sure others can. My colleagues and I discuss these issues many times over about Koi hobbyists, and how we can make it a better hobby, how to better represent the hobby.

I've spent well over $500,000 on premium Koi, plus pond, filtration system, all the knowledge that comes with it, and gave it all back to the Koi community 100x over. Never have I avoided, censored questions or even gave the notion that we, professional Koi enthusiasts, are an exclusive club. Regardless of how ignorant, apprehensive or skeptical a newcomer is to pay for $20,000-$300,000 Koi, I try to explain to them the rich history of the Japanese Koi and how it came about, provide the history and bloodline of the Koi in question.

On the other hand, I don't see this tolerance and understanding from discus hobbyists. On SimplyDiscus.com, my posts were screened and deleted because a member doesn't have a sense of humor? So, offline, these individuals will cut out my vocal chords because they don't have a sense of humor?

If the admin feels the need to delete my posts, then I feel should since it's their board. Believe me, I won't feel the least bit jilted.

Fri Dec 26, 2008, 12:26 AM
Perhaps you failed to realise that like minded people also use lots of different forums.
Enter into the spirit of the forum and you benefit. Leave chips on shoulders outside of the forum. You get out what you put in here buddy.

If you really feel how you do about forums, why use them? :evil:

Fri Dec 26, 2008, 07:09 AM
Koi are Carp right ? :ug :ug :ug

Fri Dec 26, 2008, 08:35 AM
i was a bit annoyed that that post was deleted......everyone had the chance to prove to this person that not all discus hobbyists are arrogant, stuckup etc etc etc..... and by deleting the post seems to me like it was proving him/her right. everyone has an opinion. forums are for voicing and discussing them in my opinion. there was nothing offensive or rude.......anyways.
have a great new year all

Fri Dec 26, 2008, 09:03 AM
i was a bit annoyed that that post was deleted......everyone had the chance to prove to this person that not all discus hobbyists are arrogant, stuckup etc etc etc..... and by deleting the post seems to me like it was proving him/her right. everyone has an opinion. forums are for voicing and discussing them in my opinion. there was nothing offensive or rude.......anyways.
have a great new year all

So you are trying to say that Discuss people are arrogant ? or stuck up ?

Thats a pretty harsh comment mate :( , people can voice there comments like i am now , in saying that if YOU think that discus kepers are arrogant, then you are a moron :( sorry mate just expressing my opinion !!

i hope Admin does not delet my post !! but if they do "well too bad for me "

i am not going to piss/ cry and moan about it !!!

Fri Dec 26, 2008, 09:52 AM
I think it got deleted (and I didn't delete it) because it smelled like a troll ...
Wasn't a very obvious attempt at humor but rather looked to be a attack on all Discus enthusiasts.

Keep it simple and real and you will find most people here are only too happy to help and share all kinds of info.

Fri Dec 26, 2008, 10:08 AM
I think it got deleted (and I didn't delete it) because it smelled like a troll ...
Wasn't a very obvious attempt at humor but rather looked to be a attack on all Discus enthusiasts.

Keep it simple and real and you will find most people here are only too happy to help and share all kinds of info.

I hope ,that no one takes the P!$$ out of Discus keepers !!

But ......... Everyone can take the p!$$ out of Taksan :P LOL

:cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers

Matty ...I hope you had a Merry Xmas AND happy new year mate :D

Fri Dec 26, 2008, 11:06 AM
Koi are Carp right ? :ug :ug :ug

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

ROFL , good one tommo

Fri Dec 26, 2008, 01:59 PM
What a very broad and sweeping statement you make declaring all discus hobbyists elitist. Kindly show me, where on this forum have people been treated with less than the utmost courtesy.

Your post was removed because of this line...........

"Most that I've met online and offline (from all countries) have little to no sense of humor, arrogant to a pulp, dense (they just don't get it), ignorant, and silly self-righteous."

You see, I won't tolerate anyone talking like that to members of this forum, especially not one who feels the need to boast that they have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on their fish ! Now who's being elitist ?

Ohhh BTW did you get my sense of humour, or did it fly over your head.

Fri Dec 26, 2008, 09:04 PM
My thoughts exactly.
I have made some very silly mistakes when it comes to my discus and not once was I made to feel like a fool when I posted for help. All helped out with kindness and support. I would have given up months ago if it wasn't for everyone on here and I wouldn't be sitting here right now watching my beautiful discus glide around their tank. So your comments make me think you must have been having a very very bad day.

Sat Dec 27, 2008, 08:19 AM
Tommo......... if you had read my post then maybe you would see that it was not i that said that discus ppl are arrogant and stuck up......... i dont agree with these remarks at all.... all i was saying is that by deleting his post it gave noone the chance to prove him wrong. by deleting it it just says to this person that we as discus ppl cant take a bit of flak once in awhile........after all its only his opinion.

Sat Dec 27, 2008, 08:37 AM
Tommo......... if you had read my post then maybe you would see that it was not i that said that discus ppl are arrogant and stuck up......... i dont agree with these remarks at all.... all i was saying is that by deleting his post it gave noone the chance to prove him wrong. by deleting it it just says to this person that we as discus ppl cant take a bit of flak once in awhile........after all its only his opinion.

I did read your post !!!

Fair enough :( .......sorry dude ,but it does shit me when, people bag Discus keepers :),although i do not keep Discus anymore.... it shits me when people start making rubbish up, like these comments !!!

Sat Dec 27, 2008, 09:23 AM
like i said mate....... i didn't make them comments. but it would have been good to have had the chance to show this person that we aren't all what he makes out.....sure enough there will be ppl like what he has said.................you will get that in every industry.

Sat Dec 27, 2008, 11:05 AM

I know what you mean, but the original comments made were pretty strong and sweeping. This guy obviously has an axe to grind and tried to stir up anger.
The Admin and Mod team must edit or remove attacking posts as they see fit. This is a great forum with many contributers, be they experts, sponsors, hobbiests or noobs. We all like to think we can help and we do. But the blanket post that was made is not what we want to see or need. I am also a Mod on my own discus forum in the UK, and we sometimes get idiots who wade in proclaiming this and that. I feel that if it does not promote the hobby, it gets deleted, we also issue warnings via pm's. If it persists they get banned...easy.
I don't think this gives them more fuel for the fire, if they were genuine, they wind their necks in and post properly or never post again. We can do without these people, we don't need them. What we do need are the helpful genuine members who are taking this hobby forward.
The forum gives us all the platform to air our opinions on many subjects, free speech and all that.......but within limits, I think this guy crossed the line, and Admin acted accordingly.

Sat Dec 27, 2008, 01:35 PM
Ohhh BTW did you get my sense of humour, or did it fly over your head.

Lol Mez :P :P :D