View Full Version : new tankmates needing clense!

Sat Dec 20, 2008, 02:18 AM
Before i go all out i just need some alternatives to the typical "Big L" and than Prazi treatment. i am about to stock my new 90 gallon.

i have looked everywhere for "Big L" here in Florida, well near where i live. this stuff does not exist here. i have found Prazi however.

so i need a alternative; i looked on drfostersmith.com and found this:



so what are the thoughts on that stuff? I mean i can still buy just Prazi and perhaps use another wormer, but which and where?

thanks guys!

Sat Dec 20, 2008, 03:08 AM
also found this... sounds so wicked its hard to believe. even so though its not available here in the US.


Sat Dec 20, 2008, 04:45 AM
levimenisole (bigL) treats round worms and only round worms. all the products you've listed treat flat worms (tapeworms flukes etc) you'll have to keep looking, ifd no do see a vet and ask for some Levimenisole and treat at 2mg/L

Sat Dec 20, 2008, 03:21 PM
Leave it the the US to make things difficult :x

Levamisole Hydrochloride is only available through a vet here in the US.

someone had said i could do metro (which i can get here at the store) and prazi? i wasn't too sure because i thought metro was for hex?

Sat Dec 20, 2008, 11:24 PM
metro is for protozoa and bacteria, not worms

Wed Dec 24, 2008, 04:31 AM
still trying to find some substitutes... no luck everything is banned. i think i will have to go to the vet, or hope the fish are 100%.