View Full Version : post your aquascapes here.......
Fri Dec 19, 2008, 12:19 AM
hey guys,
lets post pictures of our aquascapes in this thread to show other members.
here is my current ~3ft tank.
4 turq discus
16 cardinal tetras
2 whiptail LG6.
3 small true SAE
thin val
and varius crypts
low/medium light, diy co2. needs a good make over at the moment as the val has shot runners all over the tank :roll:
looking forward to seeing some tanks 8-)
Fri Dec 19, 2008, 08:09 AM
Hi Andy,
Good idea for us to show our planted discus tanks.Mate i've just set this 6x2x2 up after having to move it for a new floor going in,so while my mate looked after the discus, i thought i would have a go at an aquascape after putting it back in lounge.
Sorry don't know much about aquascape just what i've read recently,i have only grown plants so on that i would give your tank a 7.
Mine is a 6x2x2 just replanted it again 12 day's ago.
Lights- 3x150w 10,000k MH,4x 54w t5's,4 moonlights.
Filter-1x fluval 405,1x fluval 305.
Diy Co2.
Water change-2x 25% weekly.
Ferts-Plant tabs under large root feeding plants,liquid fert 2x times week after water change.
Plants- left side on drifftwood java fern,java moss,narrow leaf java fern,staghorn fern.Back corner-Large amazon sword.Front- chain sword,cryt wendtii red.
Middle-Red lotus,green lotus,blyxa.
Right-Some fast growing plants,cryt green wendtii,hair grass.
Fish-12 discus,4 bristlenose,2 sae,2 chain loach,15 cherry shrimp.
Want to put some glosso or riccia in front middle when i get hold of some.
I know it's still got to grow but hope it turns out what i want,but i will up date on progress as plants grow.
Hope you like Andy and might give you some idea when you get yours.
darren burgess
Fri Dec 19, 2008, 09:58 AM
your tank always looks beautiful,fish look thev'e grown alot too !
Thu Jan 08, 2009, 06:15 AM
hey guys, ive noticed this thread isnt going to well. here is the link of the site i found the original thread from. if you have a look, it works really well if we all join in
keep the pictures comming in
Thu Jan 08, 2009, 10:03 PM
I like the idea of us sharing the tanks, but not ranking them. If I like a tank, I'm always happy to say so, but I don't want to give it a score - therefore letting the tank owner know I like one tank better than another tank.
Makes this too much of a competition for my liking.
Now, if the thread was just for sharing tank scapes, so we had a thread where lots of different scapes were bunched together, I'd be happier to post my tank. Would be good to see all the tank, to use as inspiration for future creations.
That's just my opinion & others may be happy to have their tank ranked :ug
Andy and John, you both have beautiful tanks. John, your's looks huge.
Thu Jan 08, 2009, 11:30 PM
Yeah im the same, no offence Andy. Ranking tanks is a personal thing and im not one to do it (its not like experienced discus keepers giving advice in the Discus Critique section as thats honest opininions on fish selections to help educate others).
Would love a thread that has a whole bunch of aqua-scapes for inspiration though. Tanks show a little about who we are and what we like which is personal taste. I think its nice to share our fish tanks in a friendly environment.
I think i get what you were trying to do though Andy and i dont think you were trying to get people to give negative critic comments. :wink:
Thu Jan 08, 2009, 11:54 PM
like TW I think the idea of sharing tank scapes with others but not so sure on the ranking idea, Both Andy"s and johns tanks look great .I know a lot of members stick to the idea of bare tanks for discus but I think if you are dilligent with the tank maintainance (water quality and changes )theres nothing nicer than a well planted aquascape
Any way just to keep the ball rolling heres my set up
Aqua one 980 98x50x45
the original built in filter modified
aqua one 600 ltr hr canister filter
original hood with up graded lighting
pressurised co2 (1.5 bubbles per sec ) programed to operate only when lights are on
glass co2 diffuser but I'm working on a inline diffuser that will give me better mixing I hope (will post photos in the diy section if its a success)
Blyxa japoninca
Cryptocoryne wendtii
Alternanthera reineckii
Apoogeton crispus
Echinodorus tenellus
Hemianthus callitrichoides
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Dwarf ambulia
ludwigia arcuata
ludwigia repens
red tiger lotus
Rotala macrandra (red)
and a few other bits and pieces I cant remember the names of
2 blue diamonds
2 goldens
a shoal of neons dont know how many as the buggers wont keep still enough to count them
6 corries
2 SAEs
The red turk in the photo got moved out to the fish house as he started to get stroppy
Feel free to give suggestions on how you think it can be improved (bearing in mind I like the jungle look)
Mick East AKA easty1
Fri Jan 09, 2009, 02:41 PM
Good looking tank easty1
Well, I've posted my tank here elsewhere recently, but in the spirit of keeping a bunch of tank pictures together in one thread, here we go :D
Tank is pretty much annubia & crypt loaded, but there are also some other plants in there. Pressurised C02 is being run, though I need to work on even distribution.
Sorry, the photo isn't too clear. Tank is 7ft & I have to get too far back to fit it all in.
Sat Jan 10, 2009, 09:17 AM
I like the idea of us sharing the tanks, but not ranking them. If I like a tank, I'm always happy to say so, but I don't want to give it a score - therefore letting the tank owner know I like one tank better than another tank.
Makes this too much of a competition for my liking.
thak you for your imput.
perhaps rating tanks is not a good idea after all. i see where u guys are comming from and i now dont like the idea anymore either :oops:
instead, lets just make this a thread a post pictures of tanks so other members can admire, please add any infomation about the tank too(size, filtration, lighting, ferts, water change schedule etc)
please do not rate the tanks anymore.
thanks all for the pics so far...tanks look amazing :D keep the scapes comming in!!!
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