View Full Version : Help with jbl co2 system?!
Sat Jan 15, 2005, 04:03 PM
I have recentley purchased a JBL profi 3 set which consists of the co2 bottle, pressure reducer, solenoid (night time shut off) and ph comtroller? Problem is i want to know
a) how does the solenoid know when it is nightime?
b) If my understanding is correct, the ph controller will only allow c02 to pass when the ph is required to drop? Well my ph is reading 5.09 (think it needs calibrating again), so if the ph is always lower than the required figure it will never add co2? Also how many bubbles per second is ideal (400 litre discus tank)!
Sorry for all the questions but the manual is rubbish :evil: !
Sun Jan 16, 2005, 06:38 AM
Hello gex18,
From the solenoid there should be a lead which gets plugged into power socket.
If you are using a timer for the lights get a double adapter so the lights and co2 turn on and off at the same time. ( This is if not using a ph controller )
You are correct about the ph controller will only turn the co2 system on when the set PH is reached. So if you set it at say 6.6 and your ph controller is reading 5.09 it will not turn the co2 on until ph is above 6.6.
Using the ph controller there should be a connection for the solenoid to the ph controller. This way the ph controller will activate the solenoid when the set PH is reached.
Thu Jan 20, 2005, 06:38 AM
Using the ph controller is the way to go. In order to get a supply of CO2 in the tank you will need to buff up your water, ie increase KH and GH and PH. When CO2 enters the water it will lower the PH therefore turning off the supply of CO2 when the target PH is achieved. When the lights are on the plants will consume the CO2 therefore the PH controller will turn on again.
I'm still new to this automated CO2 thing so I haven't been able to work out exactly what levels of KH, GH & PH should. At the moment my GH and KH is 4 and PH is 7.8. My PH controller is set at 6.8 and maintains this ph constantly.
For more detailed information check out planted tank forums.
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