View Full Version : Driftwood
Sat Dec 06, 2008, 12:56 PM
After reading alot of the articles I have decided to change my black pebbles for sand and put up a light blue background. (trying to stop peppering) I am going for a very open look and want to put one large peice of driftwood in the tank. Does anybody have any for sale or know of any good web sites to purchase some from. I am on the Gold Coast and having trouble finding a nice piece.
tank is 4x2x2
Mon Dec 08, 2008, 02:53 PM
i have been trying to find a centerpiece driftwood for my tank here in the US for a few weeks now... had no luck it has been very dodgie. i reckon i will have to muck about the everglades :shock:
Mon Dec 08, 2008, 09:18 PM
Hi Guys,
I know what a pain it is trying to find a good big piece of driftwood/bogwood that you don't need a bank loan for, so what I have done in the past is get some stainless steel screws, and attach several smaller bits together. You can end up with some really good looking forms.
Tue Dec 09, 2008, 12:26 AM
Thanks Hollowman. I might give that a try. I had not thought of that.
Wed Dec 10, 2008, 03:47 AM
I do have some that i'm soaking at the moment. still has some browning of the water but have been soaking for months. but with a bit of charcoal you should be looking good.
I got most if it from a farm out near caroonda (past murray bridge) it had been sitting out in the sand hills for a good 20 years or so.
I have tested some peices in my own tank and have had no trouble.
this one (above and below) is hollow through out the right hand section and in the stump but is blocked where it bowls out
Wed Dec 10, 2008, 03:59 AM
I do have some that i'm soaking at the moment. still has some browning of the water but have been soaking for months. but with a bit of charcoal you should be looking good.
I got most if it from a farm out near caroonda (past murray bridge) it had been sitting out in the sand hills for a good 20 years or so.
I have tested some peices in my own tank and have had no trouble.
this one (above and below) is hollow through out the right hand section and in the stump but is blocked where it bowls out. and is about 2-3 feet long.
this one below is pretty much hollow all the way through and is about 1 -2 feet long
the two pictures below is a stunning peice in the tank. is concave on the underside and has a lots of cave sections and has hollow section that runs between the inner hard wood and (what i can only describe like) a bark on the outside (but it's solid not like bark at all)
it's a fairly big peice, when seated on the bottom of the tank a decent size discus can nearly get under it. It is my test peice at the moment and is a good home for my ghost knife and spiney eel, & the suckers love it too.
sinks like a rock...
if your interested, I can proper mesure it up and get some pictures of the last one in tank if you like.
Wed Dec 10, 2008, 04:15 AM
That is some nice driftwood. Unfortunately I live on the NSW/QLD border. Would cost to much to ship.
Thanks anyway.
Wed Dec 10, 2008, 10:27 AM
I got some nice bits from the beach. They were old and hollow looking but just in case I have had them on the roof of my shed for 2 months now being rained on and baked in the sun. I don't intend on using them until late january so I will start soaking them soon. They would have cost a small fortune to buy. If you can't find any you like and have the patience to wait it could be worth a little walk.
Thu Dec 11, 2008, 09:51 PM
no dramas m8. sorry for the double post dunno what happened there.
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