View Full Version : New system shopping list

Wed Nov 26, 2008, 06:15 PM
Here is a wide open question. I am going to treat myself and buy a 75 - 90 gallon (284-341 liter) aquarium and start with all new equipment. What would you buy? Please include everything needed including tanks filters, lighting etc. with brand and model numbers. Even if it is a partial list it would be appreciated. I have not bought anything major new in over ten years and feel I may be out of technological touch. I am not looking for any professional product endorsements just some recommendations from some experienced people. After keeping fish for over 35 years I know there are some tried and tue products and others... well lets say not so true.

Wed Nov 26, 2008, 10:50 PM
A lot of the equipment will depend on what you are intending to keep in the tank.

If you want a planted tank then that will affect the subsrate you need as well as the lights plus you may want to look at including CO2 injection.

If you want to keep Discus you may think of getting more filtration as they like very clean water.

Let us know what yout thinking of keeping and that will make it a little easier.

Wed Nov 26, 2008, 11:52 PM
Bare bottom tank (BB):

Eheim 2217 (possible x 2)

Jaeger Heater 250 - 300 watts

an air line, pump, stone etc.

plenty of driftwood (not 100% necessary but the Discus love it)

you might want to run a UV steriliser too as discus are prone to all sorts of protazoa nasties... I got a cheap one on ebay but its crap and I need to upgrade so I can't recommend a model to you..


same filteration and heating and air line.

Plus substrate, there are many varieties and lots of posts on them.

lighting - T5's are best amount of them depends on the plants - I recommend Swords they don't need as much maintanence... so about 2 WPG's worth...

CO2 - home made is not a good idea with discus IMO so go with a cylinder - you can get one on ebay for about $ 350...

I started keeping discus in a planted tank but it was really hard to get right and I had some teething problems.... so I agree with those who recommend starting off with BB for discus...

Having said that, it sounds like you're a pretty experienced aquarist, so the discus should be safe in your hands



Thu Nov 27, 2008, 03:44 AM
Thanks for the advice. Right now I am looking at Discus with no plants. Trying to keep it as simple as possible and limit the variables that can effect water quality until I get more experienced with Discus.

Thu Nov 27, 2008, 05:31 AM
UV steriliser, how can I add one. I have 2 spong filters in my breeding tanks,

Can you add UV steriliser to them.

you might want to run a UV steriliser too as discus are prone to all sorts of protazoa nasties... I got a cheap one on ebay but its crap and I need to upgrade so I can't recommend a model to you..

Do you really need them, I do see sometimes my egss have a white growth on them is that beacuse I am not using a UV steriliser.


Thu Nov 27, 2008, 05:32 AM
Sorry I forgot to add to previous my Babies are in grow out Tanks with Fluvals on them should they have them as well.

Thu Nov 27, 2008, 06:19 AM
You can either run an inline UV off a pump or canister filter or if your using sponge filter a stand alone internal uv like this


I've always used an inline uv on my grow out tanks but after having one fail, i'd advise against it, my juvies were growing GREAT! then after i lost a bulb they came down with massive internal infection seen here http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17030

even with a UV infertile eggs will get fungus, your best bet is meth blue to keep the fungus down.

Thu Nov 27, 2008, 07:02 AM
Thanks alot for the info