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View Full Version : Tank Capacity

Mon Nov 24, 2008, 10:44 PM
I have a mated pair of discus that are relatively grown (about 4.5 inches each). I have them isolated in a mini 10 gallon.

I am looking to clean out the 10 gallon and move my mated pair back into a show tank. I have recently stripped down an old 30 gallon tank and am currently cycling it. This tank has enough filtration to keep the water at pristine conditions all the time (i was running two canister filters on it, a fluval 205 and fluval 105 and i am now running a homemade wet dry underneath)
I was on the fence about whether i would buy another discus for them and keep the dither fish to a minimum, or pickup a school or two of fish and keep a decent cleaning crew in the tank with them.
which would be more sensible? and how far in either direction do you think i can push the limits?

thankyou in advance =]