View Full Version : Want to start discus tank again!

Thu Nov 20, 2008, 07:52 PM
Want to start discus tank again! Now that I am a bit more experienced I before made the mistake of trying to raise discus as a newb and they all got infected with ich and i did nothing about it. Now i think I am ready. Right now I have a tank of corys, neons, and rasboras. Can any of these coexist with discus? I kno the heat has to be up. Also any other advice before dumping the fish in? like raise them in a quarintine tank or somthing. I have a 55G and was planning on getting 4 discus. Also is there any prepackaged/dried food that are good for discus besides making your own although i kno that is reccommended. Thanks any advice is welcome!

Fri Nov 21, 2008, 10:57 AM
The whole "dumping the fish in" thing made me cringe...... I suggest you do a lot of research before getting into discus again. Forums like this are a great place to start.



Tue Dec 02, 2008, 02:37 AM
Neons & Cory's shouldn't be a problem with Discus from what I understand.

After the issues I faced a few weeks ago, I would treat the discus in a quarintine tank before placing them into their new home.

Before you put the discus into your main tank, I would also suggest giving you tank a good gravel vac & a nice large water change with "aged" water. Obviously ensure your PH etc is stable before adding the discus.

It may sound like a lot of work, but trust me, it'll ensure your not adding any nasties into your tank & give discus the best chance in life also :D

Tue Dec 02, 2008, 06:33 PM
Read read read.....then read some more. You can't go 'dumping' fish in.
Can you post the water parameters of your existing tank, also how big it is, is it planted or BB, are you prepared for the (minimum) bi-weekly water changes? how many fish do you have right now? what temp is it?

We can help you, but you have to help yourself first. I have seen so many posts where one thier first post people are saying why are my fish huddled in a corner? or not eating? or gone dark?

Prepare well, and enjoy these lovely creatures.

Hollowman :)