View Full Version : vegatarian discus?
Mon Nov 10, 2008, 05:10 PM
I think that my discus doesn't like to eat meat. All I see her doing is picking algea off of plants. The other guy eats real good. This discus has been doing this for the week and a half I have had it, the other discus was just added. I am not thinking to much of it because its stomache still looks flat and nothing looks skinny and it still poos alot! So is it possible for a discus to live of of a vegatarian diet?
Mon Nov 10, 2008, 10:38 PM
So is it possible for a discus to live of of a vegetarian diet?
No its not possible .... they will eat some vegetable matter at times but they are carnivores.
Tue Nov 11, 2008, 01:28 AM
Hmm, two possibilities come to mind here:
1. It's probably a female discus, even though you see nothing wrong with her shape she probably thinks she's fat and is currently on a vegan-type diet.
Keeping the fishtank close to your tv could have caused this, especially if they were exposed to weight loss ads, dr phil, oprah , ET news etc.
If she doesnt change her mind, dr phil is the only option.
2. Could be a "vegan hippie discus", the latest strain, bred in nimbin rather than asia, always have colourful patterns, very red eyes, mellow temperament
ChiefZero, hope you take no offense, I just had to add my 2 cents worth :)
Tue Nov 11, 2008, 03:51 AM
No offense at all. It gave me a good laugh!
How should I prompt the fish to eat? I have tried blood worms and brine shrimp. The LFS I bought them had live black worms, I thought blood worms were close enough, what do you think? The other fish I got there is eating just fine.
Tue Nov 11, 2008, 04:08 AM
Try Freeze dried Blackworms
Tue Nov 11, 2008, 04:17 AM
First of all, I would have quarantined the fish, and not put him together with your other one. But now it's too late to do that.
My discus never resist malcoms freeze dried worms, but they also love blood worm and brine shrimp.
Not sure what your water temp is, if it's not already, raise it to 30, keep pH at about 6.5.
Apparently epsom salt is a laxative, maybe do a couple of salt baths ?
A big waterchange?
If that doesnt work I'd try metrogyl, even though the faeces looks ok. my fish usually have a better appetite after a metrogyl treatment.
If the fish is fluke infested that could also influence it's appetite.
I'd try the least drastic measures first like waterchange, keep temp at 30, ph 6.5 and salt baths. if that doesnt work i'd try metrogyl and prazi. I'd recommend first to give the fish some time, but it's been a week and a half already, that should be enough time.
otherwise, as i said, dr phil's your man :)
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