View Full Version : ghost knife - bladder?
Sat Nov 08, 2008, 09:49 PM
been a long time in between posts - but hoping the 'gurus' may be able to offer help
while the tank setup is 99% discuss there is a old favourite ghost knife that's not looking healthy now
noticed a growth that has appeared on its stomach and Im afraid its a problem with swim bladder etc
still appears to be eating/breathing as normal for the time being so thats a positive
attached are some pics for you to view and hopefully offer assistance on
none of the other discus or other fish seem affected - and tank is stable
thanks in advance
Sat Nov 08, 2008, 11:24 PM
Can't really see too much from the pics, they are a little blurry, can you post some more please. I would think that if it was swim bladder, it would have trouble with swimming and balance. I had to euthanaise one of my discus on Wednesday evening that developed a swim bladder problem, basically it was head standing, and wasn't able to stay upright.
It could be a tumor. Does it pass waste as normal? I don't know these fish so cannot put any more logic to it other than my knowledge of discus ailments, epsom salts might work...if it's a blockage.
Experts please chip in :)
Sun Nov 09, 2008, 10:43 AM
yes pics werent the best - here is a new lot
I've been doing a bit of research and what are everyones thoughts on possible constipation? diet they are fed is pretty varied - but all he seems to eat to be honest is frozen blood worms - this may explain it?
I've dosed him today in a Epsom Salt bath (1 tbsp/4lt) and let him go for about 10 minutes - as this may do the trick - though if it doesnt Im at a loss
Regarding salt baths - what is the normal frequency which they are done at - once a week, twice a week? any thoughts on this would be great along with any other ideas - as I'd hate to see him dissapear out of the tank he has been such a part of for so many years?
Sun Nov 09, 2008, 10:45 AM
and some more pics once he (or she!) was back in the tank
Sun Nov 09, 2008, 11:02 AM
My first thought is that it's a tumour, which I'm afraid is not good news.
It's quite a large swelling, so something serious is going on.
If you're feeling brave, you can hold the fish in a wet towel and try to aspirate some fluid with a fine needle and syringe. If it's fluid filled, then removing some of the fluid will ease the pressure on the rest of the organs. If it's a solid mass, then I'm sorry but there's not much you can do. :(
Sun Nov 09, 2008, 11:49 AM
I agree with Merrilyn, I have done this to black ghost as well and i found it was air that got trapped inside his belly, cause the black ghost knife fish goes up to the surface to find food. He skimms
for food. I used a very fine needle to find out. Good luck
Sun Nov 09, 2008, 07:46 PM
thanks for the tips
where abouts would be the best position to put the needle? up from the fin side of the fish - eg below it?
Sun Nov 09, 2008, 10:51 PM
I hope the mesage i sent you helps.
Sun Nov 09, 2008, 10:56 PM
thanks for that - Ill have a good read
Mon Nov 10, 2008, 11:05 AM
the plot thickens - things are going from bad to bad here :(
last night when I was trying to view the knife fish - noticed a rummy nose with a concave stomach swimming close to the top of the tank - upon further investigation appeared to have worms having out of its vent
given the state of the rummy I decided to take it out of the tank and examine, below are the pics
after doing some research appears they are callamanus worms - and treatable, though in the article below it lists 'Levamsole' though Im not sure where to get this and also on others experiences? has anyone come up against this before and what was the treatment process?
I dont know whats happening here - I must have hit a black cat, after smashing a mirror, while walking under a ladder - as for the last 8 years this tank has been active I could count on the one hand the issues I've had with it - my thoughts all evolve around keeping it simple and the theory has worked - until now with this bad run?
whether or not this the same problem or another - Im not sure, though I dont want these starting to infect the discus, then it really would be war
Mon Nov 10, 2008, 01:17 PM
Yuck - I've never seen the worms like that, poor little fish, didn't stand a chance, and they shred the stomach to pieces
and yeap we all are familiar with the use of levemisole, here is the sticky under the illness & medications sections
Tue Nov 11, 2008, 12:57 AM
thanks for that - actually have some of the BigL in the shed - use it for the backyard chooks!
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