View Full Version : Discus and Angels, ok together?
Sat Nov 08, 2008, 05:43 PM
Hello, I have a 77gal tank, not setup as of yet.. have decided on Angels as my focal fish, but wanted some discus too, originaly Discus were going to be in this tank.. could I be sucsessful with having both live together?
I only want 2-3 Angels, and 2-3 discus would this work?.. im wondering about water par. being the problem..
hope no one will burst my bubble.. :lol: :roll: ..but thats ok.. just curious..
Sat Nov 08, 2008, 07:54 PM
Yes, they will be fine together. They enjoy the same water conditions, although Angels can be a bit more aggressive at feeding times.
Make sure that you read up on water requirements for discus and frequency of water changing, water quality is the key for both types of fish.
Sun Nov 09, 2008, 02:56 AM
Ya I agree they will be fine. I had my first discus, kos-mos, with about 4 or 5 angels and the discus looked amazing and actually thrived! In facted I had no prob with it untill I added it with another discus but that another story.
Discus and angels are probaby equally my favorite fish every, Have fun!
Sun Nov 09, 2008, 04:23 AM
Thanks too you both..Im glad for I love both fish so much.. It will be my first time keeping either one.
Ive had a wide variety of community tanks, Cichlids, Goldfish/Koi..this will be my next setup. for I have 4 tanks running right now, im taking down 3, leaving up the 55gal. most of the fish will be going to the LFS.. Where I work, which makes it easy.
I want to be able to concentrate on this tank for now..
So 2 Angels with 4 discus.. and should I add the Discus first? and any other tank mates before adding the Angels?
thanks for the help..
Sun Nov 09, 2008, 05:09 AM
I had the angels in first. I really don't think it matters too much. That is off course if they are of the same size. It seems to me if you add a small fish after a large one you may have more of a problem. You should let the smaller fish find hidding places, and become comfortable with the tank. Yet I put both in before and have had no problem.
Other than that I think the only other thing is the more docile the fish the sooner you should add it.
Mon Nov 10, 2008, 05:15 AM
thank-you.. I had thought it would be better that way.. with only 2-4 fish at first going in, and it being a large enough tank they should be ok..
juvs for the Discus and small 1 inch Angels I hope to go with.. silly Ive seen some add full grown fish cause they have a large fun in watching them grow.. :?
thanks a million
you all on this site have been very helpful..
will be back at a later date..going to be a few weeks.. as Im setting things up.. I know where to go for help if needed
Sue :D
Tue Nov 11, 2008, 01:40 AM
I've read that angels can pass some disease on to discus. I've looked a couple times for the article I read on this - it was pretty recent. I'm thinking of collapsing two of my tanks together and that would include angels and discus. After reading the article, I was planning on selling the angels instead. No one's had problems with discus and angels and disease?
Tue Nov 11, 2008, 02:37 AM
I've read about the discus / angel fish parasite theory as well. There are those that say it's a complete myth & I have read enough posts from people who keep these 2 fish together, so I think it must be a workable combination.
But those that say it's a real issue believe that angels are the carriers of a parasite that is not harmful to Angels, but fatal to discus.
I have no idea what's true & what's not.
Tue Nov 11, 2008, 03:41 AM
Well I believe that it is just the same as adding another discus in. I mean if you added a discus with worms with another discus without there is a good chance that the one without it will get it. basically get a healthy fish and all will be ok. As I said I never had a problem with this.
I wouldn't worry about it but its your tank, your decision.
Fri Nov 14, 2008, 10:49 PM
Found this article on Discus Page Holland.
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