View Full Version : No sure what's up

Tue Nov 04, 2008, 12:22 PM
Just lately, one by one, both my 2 heckels went off their food. It might be related to the stress of that recent C02 incident that has brought something on (some of you may have read on it). Otherwise, I'm clueless as to the cause.

I decided to treat the whole tank for the standard 4 week worming procedure (Big L & Prazi as per sticky). The smallest heckel is now eating again, but the other one is not. No clamped fins - he still holds them proudly. I think his colour is darker than usual. Have seen no unusual poos so far, but I guess I could miss seeing these in a planted tank. He doesn't come out to eat. Sometimes he swims around the front of the tank, but more often than is usual for him, he is hiding.

I've pulled him out placed him in QT.

Keeping in mind that I'm already into week 3 of the 4 week Big L / Prazi treatment & that Metro is an antibiotic (so shouldn't be given "just in case") I'm not sure what to try for this little fella. Will I do the final Big L, or maybe try PP for him (as per sticky)

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

Tue Nov 04, 2008, 07:32 PM
TW, worming is often a bit harsh on the gut, give it time, try some blood worm as a tempter food. Good luck :)