View Full Version : Tank Clean Out???

Mon Nov 03, 2008, 01:26 AM
Hi All

As some of you will know, I've had a problem with Discus plague & subsiquently, other issues such as Hex & Gill Flukes.

Currently I have all my surviving discus in a hospital tank & intend of completing the Metro treatment then treating with PP which will hopefully hit all the problems on the head.

Problem I have (Being in an apartment) is that my "clean / aged water" is actually coming out of my main tank. Doing my best to get my hands on all the gear / containers so I can keep a good amount of new aged water for future water changes.

In my main tank, I have 2 x medium sized Clown Loaches, 1 x Ram, 1 x Butterfly, 1 x Hatchet Fish, 2 x Bristle Nose.

My question/s are:

* The illnesses I've highlighted, are they transfered through tank water? Therefore I'm actually transfering the issues into the hospital tank...? For info, I'm am doing 80% daily water changes & re-dosing with Metro after each change.

* After I have treated the discus with Metro & PP in the hospital tank, what precausions should I be making in my main tank to effectively cleanout the tank???... 100% water change?... Completely start fresh in new tank?...

Mon Nov 03, 2008, 04:23 AM
A few issues here to think about here, you can use prazi on your maintank after the treatment to remove gill flukes (it can still work) if you pp a tank with loaches and bristlenoses your asking for trouble imo. generally the bugs that cause hex and plague are specific to discus so removing them from the tank and treating the water in the hospital tank with metro should take care of them.

if you can pick up something like a 220L drum they only occupy bout 2 square feet of floor space, with a lid and a big tablecloth they are easily disguised as a tall table.

I wouldn't worry about cleaning out your main tank, get the fish nice and healthy again and then their immune system should keep them ontop of things, just try and keep your NO3 below 10ppm (below 5 is even better) and you shouldn't have a problem.

Mon Nov 03, 2008, 04:52 AM
Where can you get these 220L drums?

Mon Nov 03, 2008, 04:54 AM
if you keep an eye out on ebay they often come up if not theres a few places around that sell second hand ones. also home brew shops sell reasonable sized containers

Mon Nov 03, 2008, 06:27 PM
Hi All

As some of you will know, I've had a problem with Discus plague ...

What is this? :?:

Mon Nov 03, 2008, 07:24 PM
Are you asking what discus plague is? if so there is several threads in this section of the forum that has info of it.

Mon Nov 03, 2008, 10:46 PM
Hi All

As some of you will know, I've had a problem with Discus plague ...

What is this? :?:

Check the "Emergency Room" & you'll see what the problems are.

It would appear ChiefZero & myself & coped similar problems sadly.