View Full Version : whose responsibility ..
Sun Nov 02, 2008, 12:41 PM
just got some question need to ask.
If i bought 2 discus from other state and i pick those package up from airport and got home and figure they are dead. Is this seller's responsibility or my fault.? It's my first time buying Discus from other state so i did speak to seller carefully before i proceed the purchase and he mention everything to me and want me to call him when fish arrived and i did.
They are package one in each bag. However when i open the foam box and took them out, they already dead in the bag, and i tried to rescue them by putting them in the tank still it's dead.
Now seller is sort of blaming the AAE rough handling or my rough car of causing those Discus death.
Generally speaking, if someone buying fish from other state and they arrive dead, whose responsibility and how are these issue gona be solved ??
Sun Nov 02, 2008, 12:50 PM
Have you and the seller agreed for refund for DOA?
Sun Nov 02, 2008, 12:56 PM
he said he worn't refund me the money.
Because he said it's not his fault, he send it healthy and blaming might AAE's rough handling or my drive. He also said he only sell few discus and doesn't run a business so he is not responsible for this issue.
Sun Nov 02, 2008, 01:14 PM
Hi there,
Where the fish double bagged atleast :?
Was the much water ,and was there plenty of oxygen in the bags when you opened the box?
Also did you take some pics of them after you opened the box,
as you will need them, and can you post them if possible
Sun Nov 02, 2008, 01:18 PM
i bought 2 discus from this guy. One discus in one bag. so they were separated.
When i open the foam box. water was around less than half in one bag. And both bags were really that full with oxygen in it. it was sort of loosen.
Took picture when i open the discus bag with me holding the bag and fish is dead. i can send you pic to post here coz i don't know how to post up pic.
Sun Nov 02, 2008, 02:03 PM
Sun Nov 02, 2008, 02:10 PM
I have only ever had discus delivered twice. The first time from Adelaide, one of the 3 fish i purchased was very lathargic when i got it home but the others were in good condition. After a few days all were healthy and now 12 months later they are doing great.
My other time was 12 discus from Cairns. They were 4 pairs plus 4 others. They were bagged together 2 in each bag. When they arrived i found 1 dead on arrival (the biggest pair :( ) and the rest were ok but ragged, cut, dammaged etc generally as i think being 2 in a bag they were hitting each other and the plane trip, car trip and handling would have made them bang into each other. Now a few months later the dead on is obviously still dead, 10 of them are very healthy and looking great and 1 other is not eating and looks like it will die in the next week or so. The guy who sent them did a great job double bagging them, put rubber between the bags, filled with oxygen and even oxygen stones in the bag. Even so, i think 1 hour longer in the bags and several of the others may not have made it.
My guess is that they are safe in bags generally for around 2-4 hours. 4 - 6 hours you have a good chance. Longer than 6 hours then unless the person packing them is extremely good and put in lots of oxygen, prime and so on then you might be in trouble. That includes time from puting in the bag, taking to airport, waiting for the flight, the flight, waiting for then to get collected, the trip home and then the time until the first water change in the bag. I know its a lot longer when fish are shipped from overseas to quarantine but ive also seen a lot of dead fish in quarantine tanks.
I have also had several experiences with marine fish as i have several marine tanks as well and found that marine fish have a higher chance of being DOA.
After all that, I think that usually in these cases its buyer beware as long as the seller has taken reasonable precautions to ensure the fish were well packed and left as little time as possible in the bags before leaving the airport. I guess its like when something is lost in the mail, its the buyers problem and not the sellers.
I am sorry for your loss and i know how heart breaking it is to have a fish DOA. I'm usually very very reluctant to get fish from interstate unless they are from very trusted and experienced sellers who have shipped fish several times before or organise help from someone who has.
On the other hand ive received lots of snakes from interstate and never lost a snake from shipping yet. They are very good travellers.
Sun Nov 02, 2008, 07:17 PM
Here's my 2 cents worth. The discus in pics look quite large and the bags might not hv sufficient oxygen. Bags might hv loosen abit cause of the air pressure but should not be flatten like the pics, unless both bags had already been opened. Did the AAE packaging include fragile and fish/livestock stickers? Cause I'm very sure that the handling would be extra careful with these stickers. My best best would be not enough oxygen cause with proper oxygen, they should last for atleast 12 hrs. Sorry for your loss and my guess would be normal air rather than oxygen used in those bags.
Sun Nov 02, 2008, 08:31 PM
unfortunately unless you had arranged a DOA agreement BEFORE you paid for the fish, its all your problem. seller has no need to refund etc no matter if they packed them properly or not.
buyer beware.
Sun Nov 02, 2008, 09:03 PM
thanks guys.
when those two discus arrive. the bag was bit loose , one bag has around 1/3 water and the other one is around 1/4 water in the bag and not much oxygen in it.
Two discus are around 12- 13 cm include tail.
There are AAE's fish/livestock stickers on the foam box. and it's sealed. I dont' think bag has been opened before it arrived.
Each fish are placed in 3 layers of plastic bag. Therefore, unless the seller did not pump oxygen into each of the bags, otherwise, i don't see any reason the oxygen would have gone from the bag.
Sun Nov 02, 2008, 11:28 PM
Hi JT, were these albino alenquer discus you bought from another member on last weekend?
Sun Nov 02, 2008, 11:33 PM
What else was in the box other than the 2 bags of fish?
Sun Nov 02, 2008, 11:34 PM
Hi JT, were these albino alenquer discus you bought from another member on last weekend?
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 12:55 AM
hi . .
beside two bags of discus. there were some kind of plastic bag with air in it . . . however, the whole box is not really fill up with those bag, therefore the discus bag was sort of horizontal . . .
i bought it from "discusfantasy" who put those discus for sale last saturday.
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 12:57 AM
Also . .
since yesturday i got home and found out those 2 discus were dead, i call him straight away. He answer the phone and said he is driving and will call me back in 30 min. After 40min he didn't called me so i called him and his friend answer the phone and told me he is still driving and will call me in 5 min.
I wait and still no called. Therefore i call him again and no one answer. Up till 11.30pm i have tried to called him 3 times and no one answer. around 11.45pm he message me saying he is at party and he can't talk, and those death discus has got nothing to do with him and it's AAE's rough handing and my rough driving that cause those discus' death.
And he called me a "Blander".
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 01:20 AM
I think there was something wrong with them before he sent them.
Have a look at all is other posts he isnt having much luck with his tank.
Just my 2 cents
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 01:31 AM
hi . .
i have went back and read all his post and realised that he has problem fighting the tap worm and few other problems with is Discus.
Therefore i think, those discus are ill before he send to me and that's why he is not answering the phone and went straight to party after i spoken to him about the dead discus . . .
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 01:34 AM
I dont think this is fair or right by you JT, slander is not right or allowed by anyone.
I have sold about 12 discus out of Victria & never once had a DOA, I got all 12 discus baged and boxed at a local aquarium shop that does this for a fee as part of a service they offer.
If i was a breeder or discus importer/exporter then i might agree with credit or refund on DOA (BUT THIS WOULD BE DISCUSSED BEFOR ANY SALE WAS MADE)
I am just a discus lover like you are but sold all my discus because want to give my tank a good clean and remove.
You at your own free will pm me & asked me if i can freight to you & i said yes.
If for any reason i thought the fish will not make it to you do you really think anyone with a full mind who uses this site offten will send them to you & risk been banned?
NEVER ONCE did you or I even discuss DOA or any conditions whats so ever , did we?????
No because you & I did not think such thing will happen or are we discus buisness dealers to lay out any condtions.
I am sorry about your loss & wish things were diff but im sorry there are always risk when dealing with life stock.
IF im wrong please someone correct me beside JT?
1 last thing, i was not avoiding your call but was at a party lastnight & got back to you when was free.
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 01:38 AM
for your info thats a 2nd tank...what discus dont have gill flukes?
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 01:39 AM
hi JT, i saw discusfantasy previous posts which indicate he is having problem with his discus and it seems he is quite inexperience with discus, thats why i asked you whether you bought from another member. also, if he is only a hobbist unless he went to his local lfs to pump pure oxygen in, otherwise, there was no pure oxygen for the discus to travel. i don't think many hobbist would keep an oxygen at home.
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 01:41 AM
Mr Ivo
Read befor you speak
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 01:46 AM
i did read and then i spoke. got a problem with that?
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 01:53 AM
yeah i do..if you read it corret you would of seen i said quarium packaged the discus
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 01:59 AM
that's what you said and if you did paid fees to get that package done. Can you please kindly post the receipt please...???
Also. whether you go to party to enjoy or not that's your freedom.
BUT. you did not get back to me at all mate. . That's put it this way. If you really want to say those discus are healthy and it's my fault. Why didn't you call me as you promised to discuss this issue but went straight to party ????!!! You said you will call me straight away when u finish driving and did you ?
Another reason we didn't discuss about DOA is because as i spoken to you on the phone. it's my first time buying discus from other state. Why will i think those discus will die when it arrive ?? WHY will i question you at first place.?? this place is the place where ppl trust each other.
BUT now . . .i doubt. . .
And " Slander" - - - - -
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 02:16 AM
every discus has gill flukes. It's how you maintain it.
If the discus is super healthy, it still has gill flukes but not showing.
It's like human. tell me that within your body, there is not a single parasite..!!!
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 02:16 AM
discusfantasy, if you read the time that i posted compare to yours, you would be able to work it out. got any picture of your second tank where your discus were darting, and died one at a time?
hi JT, i think you should just forget about it. next time when i phase out some of my discus i willl pm you to have it or them for free.
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 02:36 AM
Thats a top offer IVO
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 02:43 AM
discusfantasy, do you have another log on user id on this forum known as "fishhouse"? if i mistaken that please accept my apology.
look at the tank in this thread
and compare the second picture in this thread
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 03:18 AM
Well picked up there ivo.
I think you hit the nail on the head.
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 03:28 AM
Its obviously the same tank. :LOL:
I understand that its buyer beware but cmon mate. Be a decent human being and come to some arrangment. It looks to me like the discus were not packaged very well and thats your responsiblity.
Karma always catches up with you in the end.
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 03:29 AM
thank you so much IVo
i would love to buy some good one from you and make a friend .....
And YOU GOT HIM.....
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 03:29 AM
I should also mention that ill take any discus you want to trow away IVO. ;)
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 03:33 AM
That's what i was thinking too..
IF he really did take those lovely discus to local aquarium to package them. they should have enough oxygen not deflated bag.
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 03:40 AM
yous are so sad
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 03:44 AM
I think we all know who the turd is here mate. I think would be a great time for admin to wield the mighty ban stick !!!!!!!! You're not related to Jeff Fennech by any chance are you???
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 04:33 AM
Sydney boys all the way lol
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 04:52 AM
Now he starts throwing out the compliments.... ;)
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 05:20 AM
Hello Discusfantasy,
You should try putting urself in JTs position?
Would you want some sort of compensation if you picked up fish from airport and found them dead?
You can put in a claim with AAE u know!
As its only Melb to Sydney ,not long at all
Discus can go many more hrs in a bag its only when that bags opened that things can go wrong :roll:
Im betting the fishs immune wasnt the best when packed and that this is why uu found them the way you did.
If this happened to me i would want you to b a man and sort this out
Put it down to experience?
My 2cents worth
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 05:38 AM
I really feel for JT here, that's alot of $$$. discusfantasy/fishhouse, just be the man in this and return his money or at LEAST some of it. Why? because JT has done nothing wrong, he trusted you(enough that he didn't even think about DOA) and they arrive DOA. If the fish were in top notch and double bagged with pure oxygen, they wouldn't of arrived dead.
Obviously YOU are hiding something. JT has done everything he can to try and get his money back, he even took the pics of the fish as PROOF. He constantly tried to ring you, when you picked up you said you would ring him back, but did you???? NO, you made up another excuse that you were partying.... even if you were at a party, you couldn't even spare 5 mins to speak to him?
If you or anyone of us are in JT's position right now, i'm sure we would want our money back, especially when its hundreds of dollars. As i said, JT has done everything he can including pics and trying to contact you. Just be fair
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 06:16 AM
you guys are so off track about fishhouse
im not refunding anything cause i did nothing wrong, if i baged them then im at fault but the aquarium did
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 06:27 AM
are you Vic or are you Lee?
come on mate, do the right thing here, you'd be upset if this happened to you.
not saying its your fault, Just thats its still your responsibility.
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 06:41 AM
it doesn't matter if the aquarium or your mum bagged them on your behalf, you're still the seller.
and if you and fishhouse are the same person, i'm sure the administrators may be able to determine that. i think there are rules about not using multiple user names.
you guys are so off track about fishhouse
im not refunding anything cause i did nothing wrong, if i baged them then im at fault but the aquarium did
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 08:20 AM
Lee Sewan...
Victor Sewan...
Would you be so kind and go away.
Not only are you a dirty rotten cheating con artist, you are a regular PITA.
Dont think your phony logins, and bogus emails dont get picked up on straight away... we like our laughs as well...
Anyways, time to say bye bye now
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 08:45 AM
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 09:01 AM
Consumer, Trader & Tenancy Tribunal
Level 12
175 Castlereagh Street
Sydney 2000
Phone: 1300 135 399
Fax: 1300 135 247
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Civil Claims List 7th Floor
55 King Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: (03) 9628 9830 or 1800 133 055 (Only VIC)
Fax: (03) 9268 9988
To lodge a claim, contact the Office of Fair Trading on 9627 6111 or 1300 558 181. Only after lodging can you contact VCAT directly.
go for gold !
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 09:10 AM
I just went through the receipt of the invoice on the AAE.
Figure out that he over charge me on the postage. I was told that it cost $80 for postage and want me to put another $40 for foam box plastic bag and his petrol costs. Therefore i paid $300 + $120 for everything when the postage only cost him $45.50
baga. .
btw he is Lee Sewan and that's what he put on the invoice .
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 09:20 AM
JT I am sorry for you that this happened and so sorry for the fish. I would take it to tribunal to have your money returned, it may take a while but it would be worth it , that is a lot of money. As someone else said Karma will come back and bite him in the but. What a horrible untrustworthy man.
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 09:25 AM
Hi ,
i know he is banned but!!!
i just thought i would put my 2 cents in here , vlsvls you are a dirty xxxx TIP RAT ! Even before this saga !
You claim that it is not your fault ?
Did you supply the fish ? YES , Even if an aquarium shop bagged the fish,You are still supplying them !
Now were they DOA ? Yes
Pay the person back you xxxx bloke
Oh and P.S you really are a xxxxing peice of xxxx!! and i hope you get Stitched up one day SOON!!!
Ban me if you want for this abuse !! but he is xxxx
Cheers Tommo
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 09:25 AM
in order to take it to tribunal, all i need to do is just follow the link that "nicholas76" provide and report him or ??
thanks for back me up guys ...
appreciated . . .
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 09:27 AM
btw he is Lee Sewan and that's what he put on the invoice .
We know that, and sadly many members here have been ripped off by him or is co-horts in the past, hence why they are banned from this community.
Sadly though, they just keep coming back...
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 09:29 AM
Tommo you wont be banned for saying what a lot of people think, however young'uns do read the forum so I have had to tone down some of your msg (people will still get the jist however)
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 09:35 AM
You are right ! Sorry Proteus, I thought i did tone it down ! Anyhow i just hope he never comes back !
Cheers Tommo
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 09:43 AM
I reckon Lee/Vic Sewan/discusfantasy/fishhouse, whatever his name/alias, wanted those fish to be DOA cause JT would've found that they had gill flukes or any other diseases.
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 09:52 AM
in order to take it to tribunal, all i need to do is just follow the link that "nicholas76" provide and report him or ??
thanks for back me up guys ...
appreciated . . .
I have had a quick read of this and according to the refund policy you are entitled to a refund. It doesn't actually state anything about live stock but merchandise is merchandise. There is a number on there I would call and they should point you in the right direction. Keep all your receipts, and whatever else you have.
Wish we had Judge Judy here, she would fix him. :D
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 09:57 AM
JT, my sis work at Fair trading. I'll ask her tomorrow whats the procedures and course of action you can take.
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 10:15 AM
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 10:35 AM
Forum admins, this debacle raises some interesting issues. Is it not possible to add a buyer feedback feature to this forum, something similar to the EBay buyer feedback system. In a year from now, this thread will be lost in amongst the myriad of others to come. Can we not have a separate topic under the classifieds where private buyers in each state can deal with private sellers with a good reputation to prevent (reduce) this sort of thing happening again.
While we’re all putting our 2c worth in, can I say that buying fish from interstate from an unknown entitity, particularly for newbies, is not the best practice. If you’re not finding the quality of fish you need in local fish shops, explore local breeders and research this forums classifieds for private sellers. From my point of view, all our major cities will have quality fish for purchase if you look in the right places. Regional buyers obviously have more logistical challenges. I’ve just come back from a weekend in Hervey Bay (QLD) having spent 4hrs in the car with three new discus. All survived no problem. HTH.
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 11:50 AM
this bloke is also on boronia aquarium forum as wild discus watch out for him if you use this forum
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 12:17 PM
hmm im pretty sure on the origin of these fish and who imported these into the country.
and I am also aware that they were sold as all male fish too!
now im curious how do you sex a DOA? ....apart from asking it nicely?
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 01:43 PM
This is his detail from Boronia Aqarium
0433 842 894 or
Lee (Melbourne, Western Suburbs)
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 09:29 PM
thanks very much for all the help guys . . .
Mon Nov 03, 2008, 11:44 PM
Here is the correspondence from Fair trading.
Yes if the buyer in sydney he can lodge the complaint however he might not get the full $400.00 only for the goods which is the fish price. He will need to have evidence so pics of the dead fish in package, he needs to get quotes in regards how much the fish costs in retail and any other evidence.
Tell him to lodge a general complaint on our website.. under general division.
Tue Nov 04, 2008, 12:16 AM
Hi Guys,
If this guy was banned then while i think the banning was a fair call, i think waiting until this was resoilved before banning him would have been better as the pressure and logic/common sense shown by the "nice and decent" discus keepers may have persuaded him to rethink his position (or maybe not). I think at the end of the day being a business owner (computer software) it would be hard to get a possitive decision from fair trading on the shipment of live animals due to the obvious risks involved. I think at least a 50% refund should have been a reasonable solution. Also if it is known that a seller is not an experienced shipper of discus then you also must assume some responsibility as a buyer to take the risk of entrusting the seller with the duty of shipping the fish.
BUT if the fish were sick before being shipped then thats another story. Thats just wrong.
I currently have about 30 discus around 5 - 7cm that i have bred and someone offered to buy all of them from me recently. I said no, because 3 of them had recently stopped eating and showing signs of hex (white poo etc). Ide rather sell none of them until i am 100% that they are all ok than get a bad reputation for selling sick fish. Luckily with 26 tanks going i can separate any sick fish before anything spreads but still, its not worth getting a bad rep.
Tue Nov 04, 2008, 09:25 AM
Hi guys...
Para and Nicholas76... thank you all very much for those information and help.
I have just lodge a complaint on the Fair Trading website. Not sure if this is gona work or not but at least i tried lol
Tue Nov 04, 2008, 11:53 AM
JT, within 14 days a consultant should call you regarding your lodgement. Good luck.
Tue Nov 04, 2008, 12:19 PM
good luck with this JT. Hope the seller gets what he deserves, sucks when there are so many good sellers here that one person has to destroy trust levels.
Thu Nov 06, 2008, 07:10 AM
This is not the first time mate !!!
Cheers Tommo
Wed Nov 19, 2008, 11:06 PM
Hi guys
the guy from Fair Trade called me this morning and discuss few issue with me.
Although the Fair Trade did find out he has some connection with Boronia Aquarium but because those discus are sold under his private name shipped under his private name and details and the money was transfered into his private account. Fair Trade cannot take any action on him.
Therefore the case might closed as it is . . .
Thu Nov 20, 2008, 02:16 AM
That's just sad, it's these people that gives honest breeders/sellers a bad name.
Makes me more cautious about buying things via bank transfers
Thu Nov 20, 2008, 04:36 AM
hmm that really dosent sound right, ring a solicitor.
I hope this dosent discourage you from buying discus especially through the "mail"
There are many reputable retailers and private sellers in the trade.
I have dealt with many and im more then happy to direct you to the right persons next time.
send me a Pm anytime :)
Thu Nov 20, 2008, 05:39 AM
hmm that really dosent sound right
actually it does and is. when dealing privately with someone its "buyer beware" unless its blatant obvious fraud and you have concrete proof (paid for something and the thing never existed like the ebay scammers do). and in the end in this situation it really is his word against yours. if this ever went to court there is no proof these fish weren't in 100% condition when sent.
ripoff's on the net are extremely common, ive been ripped off more times than id like to mention.
good rule, if your ever dealing with someone you dont personally know, never spend more money than you are willing to throw away.
Thu Nov 20, 2008, 07:48 AM
Fair call Dan. If thats the law then so be it.
we could write a list of rules you shoudl take when buying fish in this manner. food for thought how about we start this in a new thread ???
Thu Nov 20, 2008, 12:21 PM
Which is why I prefer to pay via paypal and willing pay extra to the seller to cover their surcharge. Of course I understand that it works both ways and there are some scammer buyers out there that abuse paypal.
It's a catch 22 situation...
after what has happened to JT, I am going to be extra careful about buying things via EFT
Thu Nov 20, 2008, 01:01 PM
I've just read all the posts.... what a SAD situation. The seller should feel ashamed of himself and you can bet he's probably here reading this. Karma will come back around to bite you in the @$$. Don't think so? I've seen it come back ten-fold on people and you will get yours.
JT, I hope this won't discourage you in the future. There are plenty of reputable people out there... Just make sure you do your research beforehand in the future. As much of the situation is a bummer.... take what you can from it.... it was an expensive lesson. At least you can become a pro from this experience and maybe you can tell other people what to look for in the future.
I've purchased other fish through the mail and one in particular I liked and stuck with him. Now, I'm a bit worried as my husband and I might be moving soon and I'm gonna have to have my discus shipped up to me. That thought alone frightens me!
Fri Nov 21, 2008, 11:02 AM
If he does have links with that aquarium (part owner or something like that) and he is selling off fish privately i would put a call into the tax department......
Sat Nov 22, 2008, 01:37 PM
Which is why I prefer to pay via paypal
why would you think paypay is any better/safer than eft's? everything i know about paypal its not only not safe, but they charge you a heap for the effort.
Sat Nov 22, 2008, 04:40 PM
Which is why I prefer to pay via paypal
why would you think paypay is any better/safer than eft's? everything i know about paypal its not only not safe, but they charge you a heap for the effort.
EFT = money sent, cant do anything if seller doesnt send the fish or sends dead ones
paypal = money sent, if there is an issue, then I go through my credit card using chargeback, not going to go through paypal to dispute.
I've used paypal many times. The first time I had an issue, paypal sucked badly as the seller wont respond and so the dispute ended due to the time limit being over. I went through my credit card and got everything back.
And I realised that never ever go through paypal dispute, just go through your credit card.
Tue Dec 02, 2008, 03:05 AM
hi JT,
this is a sad situation, and frustrates me a great deal, and im sure any decent person wouldve refunded you back at least 1/3 of your money, but at least you've learnt for the future, there are alot of very good people on this forum, as u can clearly see, so dont be discouraged to buy fish in the future...
Tue Dec 16, 2008, 01:34 AM
The seller is 100% to blame, The buyer doesn't need to worry about bagging,packing and shipping as that is what he is paying the seller for ($120).
If I was you I would shell out another $70 to go see him and give him a royal beating! :lol:
Thu Dec 18, 2008, 05:15 AM
why do I miss all the fun :banghead
I'd say the fish were probably sick otherwise the're pretty hard to kill with or without oxygen.
Fri Dec 19, 2008, 07:32 PM
welcome back mate
Fri Dec 19, 2008, 11:14 PM
Yeah, welcome back. Long time no type. How are those heckels of yours?
mistakes r crucial
Sun Dec 28, 2008, 08:15 AM
Haven't been around much of late but just read this thread and couldn't believe my eyes. I sold Discus to that SOB 2 years ago and because he told me he was disabled, in a wheelchair and loved Discus I gave him about $300 worth over his order for free. And I thought I was street smart lol!
I've seen Karma come back and bite people on a regular basis over the last 50 years so if he isn't disabled now I'm sure he will be sooner or later.
Sun Dec 28, 2008, 08:27 AM
Hi MAC, i am glad that you told this story. a while back when i mentioned on some posts that i am looking to give away some discus for free to go to good home. he pm me and told me the same story that he is disabled on wheel chair and have all the time in the world to look after my discus. since i deleted his pm so i have no proof to tell this story, but glad to hear that i am not the only one who was told about the wheel chair thing, of course, i gave him nothing because i didn't buy his story.
mistakes r crucial
Sun Dec 28, 2008, 09:01 AM
Well I did lol :oops: Hope the Discus are all going well Ivo. Haven't had chance to say Gday for a while.
Sun Dec 28, 2008, 09:41 AM
Hi MAC, you gave the discus to him for free came from good heart. i didn't believe him because i was thinking how does he change water sitting in wheel chair? my discus are doing great thank you. Have a happy new year!
Sun Dec 28, 2008, 09:49 AM
Haven't been around much of late but just read this thread and couldn't believe my eyes. I sold Discus to that SOB 2 years ago and because he told me he was disabled, in a wheelchair and loved Discus I gave him about $300 worth over his order for free. And I thought I was street smart lol!
I've seen Karma come back and bite people on a regular basis over the last 50 years so if he isn't disabled now I'm sure he will be sooner or later.
story is true, was actually not a bad guy many years ago, dont know what happened.
Sun May 03, 2009, 04:06 AM
lol ... interesting who bagged those fish .....
Sun May 03, 2009, 05:35 AM
I don't think a shop bagged those discus.
I think he did himself and said LFS did it for me and he paid for those costs.
Sun May 03, 2009, 06:19 AM
ic ic
but i really think he actually post me the dead Discus at first place rather than the Discus were dead during transport... coz the water in the bag were really clear and no poo or what-so-ever.
Looks like they were bagged dead lol
Sun May 03, 2009, 06:21 AM
sounds like a real charmer
Mon May 04, 2009, 11:16 AM
hey JT so what's happened with you and the Department of Fair Trading, have they taken any action?
Mon May 04, 2009, 01:48 PM
they said Lee is treated as a private person and i transfer the money into his private account so Fair Trade cannot take any action or even warn him. Also his name is not register nor link to any business name.
He also told Fair Trade it's a private deal on internet. Therefore, nothing can be done lol.....
Fri Aug 21, 2009, 10:28 AM
guess who is back
Fri Aug 21, 2009, 11:22 AM
Already put a post up on boronias forum for members to be cautious with who they are dealing with its just outrageous with what people can do sometimes. I have also sold fish to this "Lee" and he called him self disabled but not long ago i bought some discus of him his actually not disabled o.o...... And after a week all those discus i bought died ... Although it might just be my own fault but im curious now with what really happened
Sun Aug 23, 2009, 05:27 AM
Hi guys,
I have the following suggestions which should make things a bit better for everyone:
The following rules should be implemented:
1. Buyer must provide the following personal details (Mobile, Email, Address, Name).
2. Buyer must provide pictures of the product.
3. Buyer must specify if shipping is an option and if so explain how items will be packed and what couriers will be used including insurance.
4. Buyer must specify a return policy (no refund is fine howevr must be stated.
Personally I alsways preffer people to come over and see for themselfs what they are purchasing. Thats why I always provide my details, this way if the buyer is not happy they can walk away before handing out their cash.
Thanks guys
Sun Aug 23, 2009, 07:13 AM
Don't you mean seller?I defn agree with 2-4, not sure I'd want to post all that personal information in a public forum - it's a spammers dream.
Sun Aug 23, 2009, 09:59 AM
LOL yeah I meant the seller :)
Sun Aug 23, 2009, 01:54 PM
Why is it that the Australian aquarium industry attracts so many deadbeat scammers? I guess that could be aimed at the entire livestock trade for that matter.
...and I wouldn't post a steel ball bearing with AAE and expect it to be undamaged at the other end. If there are 2 worse companies to form an alliance than Qantas and Aust Post I'd like to see it.
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