View Full Version : fry XD

Fri Oct 31, 2008, 01:07 PM
Since the fry are always cute... I couldnt resist not putting some pic of them... hehe


hehe.. excuse the green water, these tubs are placed near the sunlight... I can't get rid of the algae.. sigh* but... they will be in a tank soon, yey! they will see every1 without looking up for the first time!


Any one has fry pictures? Post away! :D

Fri Oct 31, 2008, 07:32 PM
Nice batch, lovely photos. I hope they do well.

H :)

Sat Nov 01, 2008, 02:47 AM
cool - how old are they?

Sat Nov 01, 2008, 05:01 AM
lol actually I dont even know how old they are :oops: . I have been looking at them every day so for me, they have there for a while.
I think the small ones are around 4-5 weeks and the big ones are around.. 7-8 weeks. They are kinda small... roughly 3.5cm. Does any one know the size range for fry (1 or 2 months of age)??

=[ i just lost a fry due to fluke

Sat Nov 01, 2008, 06:51 AM
Does any one know the size range for fry (1 or 2 months of age)??

Hi there,

At 2mths they should b approx4-5cms

Tue Nov 04, 2008, 11:12 AM
Hi there,

At 2mths they should b approx4-5cms

Oh dang... lol I guess mine have some growth to catch up... They refuse to eat beefheart though :s They are soo picky... only like blackworm... But thanks for the information, Xtreme!

Does any one else have fry pic?

Tue Nov 04, 2008, 07:59 PM
can you get decap brineshrimp eggs? just soak it and feed it...apparently it's got more nutrients than newly hatched brineshrimp. I scored a bag and planning to feed the frys from my f1 triple red cockatoo's when they've bred.

Wed Nov 05, 2008, 11:37 AM
can you get decap brineshrimp eggs? just soak it and feed it...apparently it's got more nutrients than newly hatched brineshrimp. I scored a bag and planning to feed the frys from my f1 triple red cockatoo's when they've bred.

woo, Really?? I always worry that if they eat eggs, they just get constipation or something. Thats what happens with betta fry. But cool! Thanks for the tip Dave+Amy, I will try that. hehehe

Thu Nov 06, 2008, 06:05 AM
no worries, I know breeders here use it :D ...apparently young Discus upto 5cm still take to them