View Full Version : DISINFECT

Thu Oct 30, 2008, 07:09 AM

Can someone help me please.

I need to disinfect my fish tank but i dont want to empty the tank from water & i want to disinfect it with formaldehyde 37% and not white king. (ofcourse the tank wont have any fish in it)

How many mls of formaldehyde 37% to disinfect a 600 littier tank?

Thank you

Thu Oct 30, 2008, 07:47 AM
I think that Potassium Permangante (PP) might be better... you can get the crystals from the chemist..

I think that you will need to empty the water to disinfect it at any rate.... though I might be wrong?!??

Thu Oct 30, 2008, 11:01 PM
If you dont want to empty the tank pp is the way to go, put in a nice strong dose then after 24-48hrs drop is some hydrogen peroxide and its neutrilised nice and easy.

your other real option is to use no name chlorine bleach, again a good dose then HEAPS of dechlorinater after. the disadvantage of bleach is you cant see it, where as with pp the colour change from brown/purple to clear when its gone is easy to see.

Fri Oct 31, 2008, 07:39 PM
To be honest, if you really want to bomb it, empty it out and start again. Bleach is good for this. PP is a good idea just to kill anything in the water, but can stain silicon or ornaments.