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View Full Version : change from community to discus - set up question

Mon Oct 27, 2008, 02:52 AM
hey all.

we have a juwel 180 planted community tank at the moment, internal filter, 2 * 45w "nature" lights, white chip marble substrate, plants (2 anubis on wood), java ferns etc, and red rock - airstone - my maximum temp is just over 27'c - even though its turned up to 32'c.. need to change the heater.

i really want to change to discus, and would like to know what changes we need to make to the tank to look after them.. i read on this forum that the juwel filters are crap.. so what do i need to change to .. size and recommended brands pls.

any other things i need to know? also, where in melbourne can i find a good breeder?


Mon Oct 27, 2008, 04:07 AM
ok first of all the marble substrate has to go it will leach CO3 into the water and bring your ph up, not what you want.

jewel filters arn't that bad, but i wouldn't use one as a primary filter on that size tank coupleing it with an eheim 2217 would be plenty.

you'll need a better heater set it at 28-29 and just keep it there.

planted tanks arn't the best for discus, they are hard to keep clean and plants like NO3 of arounf 20-30ppm where as discus like NO3 to be below 5-10

Mon Oct 27, 2008, 11:23 PM
thanks for the reply - changed heater.. now at 28'c

looking at eheim 2217 or fluval 205.. anyone care to compare or comment?

Tue Oct 28, 2008, 12:49 AM
Go with the 2217...


Tue Oct 28, 2008, 01:34 AM

do you think the 2217 will it be too powerful in a 180 ltr tank?

do you think i should keep the existing filter going as well?

Tue Oct 28, 2008, 06:21 AM
2217 is only good for a 200-300L tank will be fine on a 180L