View Full Version : Planted tank without Co2 and light

Mon Oct 20, 2008, 01:06 AM
I am planning to get a 5 x 1 1/2 feet tank.

I would like to put plants but not excessive. I would have a lighting system but not CO2 system. Just on that, the tank will be located next to a large window in my house which faces north so it gets a lot of sunlight. I have two questions if you could all please share your experience:

1) is the sunlight good enough or do I still need a fairly good lighting system
2) What type of plants would you recommend? I will probably only put 2 or 3 types of plants in the tank.


Mon Oct 20, 2008, 01:58 AM
With sunlight hitting the tank you'll want CO2 to keep algae under control.

excess light from a north facing windo will turn your tank bright green in no time.

if you heavily planted and ran CO2 with no liquid ferts you might stand half a chance. personally i'd never put a tank by a north facing window
(I'm assuming you live in the southern hemisphear, if you in the northern you'll proably be ok).

Mon Oct 20, 2008, 12:30 PM
direct sun light is not recommended cos it will make water temperature fluctuates and the fish will not like it..

Mon Oct 20, 2008, 12:52 PM
Agree with ILLUSN & Fishontherun about the window. My 7ft tank had no choice but to be in front of a window which gets the worst of the afternoon sun. Previously I had a smaller tank on that wall, but being smaller, it didn't go directly in front of the window. In summer, that tank was always a couple of degrees hotter than my tanks elsewhere & always caused me overheating issues. The 7ft tank would have suffered even more, probably becoming pea soup in short order. That window is now boarded up, with bradford insulation bats stuffed in the cavity between the boarding & the glass.

Maybe that's overkill & it makes the room darker, without a light on, but thought that was better than having a bright green tank.