View Full Version : Duisburg 08 Competition winners
Wed Oct 08, 2008, 12:43 AM
Hi all
came across this just now, some very very nice fish as expected. I thought I'd post the link for all others to see the winners.
I have to say that the winners of the heckel group don't look that great to me. I also can't understand how that big foreheaded BD made it second in the solid turqoise category, he does have great color, but a massive forehead and disproportional finnage.
One fish i really like is 3rd place red turqoise, love the shape. Anyway here's the link then go to Winners.
Old Dave
Sat Oct 11, 2008, 08:01 AM
Some gorgeous fish there, but I see what you mean about some of the choices.
Obviously the judges can see more in the fish than we can.
The internet votes shows that.
They might need to add a "Most Photogenic" category judged by the same people?? :ug
Old Dave
Sat Oct 11, 2008, 08:59 PM
Agreed, the third place it the green category has a spit caudal fin and possibly has fin rot!?!?
Don't get it myself probably 5-6 outstanding fish, the others are very average IMO
Sun Oct 12, 2008, 10:17 AM
Agreed, the third place it the green category has a spit caudal fin and possibly has fin rot!?!?
You have to realise that most of the photos were taken on the day that they were benched. Many of these fish had travelled many miles for many hours in bags, lots of fish had even travelled from the far east to get there.
When in the bag they will suffer from ammonia burns, it can look like fin rot in some cases. Apparently during the weekend, the fish were mostly looking very good.
As for judging, we all have our opinions on what is a good fish, but established judging criteria are used to score the fish, so even though one fish might well look 'better' than another, if it didn't score well because of one flaw, then it comes lower down the list.
Tue Oct 21, 2008, 10:58 AM
What? I'm no expert but what's the deal with 3rd? A split cardal fin, and i agree looks to me like fin rot! Maybe they should be looking a little closer next time! :lol:
Tue Oct 21, 2008, 04:53 PM
What? I'm no expert but what's the deal with 3rd? A split cardal fin, and i agree looks to me like fin rot! Maybe they should be looking a little closer next time! :lol:
look at my post above yours :shock:
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