View Full Version : Dimetridazole for cloudy eye

Mon Sep 29, 2008, 10:27 AM
hi guys,
the LFS guy sold me Dimetridazole when I asked him for cloudy eye meds for my discus. Any one has used this ? What are the pros and cons ?
Appreciate your advices !!

Mon Sep 29, 2008, 05:27 PM
Cloudy eye is mostly caused by a bacterial bloom mainly due to poor maintenance. I would just recommend that you up your water change regime. At least 50% per day for the next week and see how they improve. Generally meds would not be needed.


Fri Oct 10, 2008, 07:37 AM
hey Guys

Be careful not to confuse dimetridazole with dimetronidazole. The former is used mainly for poultry / birds but has been used to treat young discus. I purchased 1KG of this stuff a while back until i realised it didnt contain metro and was a waste of money for what i needed it for.

Its almost impossible to get Dimetronidazole now as i think the english and india manufacturers have stopped or at least reduced distribution.

I've found "trichozole" really good as apposed to flagyl as far as disolving it in water goes.

Mon Oct 13, 2008, 06:57 AM
arent they very similar drugs anyway ?
both 5 nitroimidazol drugs and both similar range of activity

have to admit i have no experience with the "non ron" one