View Full Version : About to jump in
Sun Sep 28, 2008, 10:08 AM
So I'm about to jump into buying my very first discus.
Very nervous. I've kept tropical fish for a number of years but always been scared to invest so much in a fish that might go belly up.
I've just purchased a new 48 x 14 x 20 inch tank with a sump and felt that this was the best chance to explore the work of discus.
I have looked through the website and been very impressed with all the information available. I've got one question though.
I've read that discus are a schooling fish, but what would be considered the minimum number of animals to have? I know with clown loaches (which I'll be keeping with discus) that you should keep odd number with a minimul of three so that they can play together.
Is tehre anything similar with discus?
Sun Sep 28, 2008, 10:23 AM
Hi Spaceman,
Welcome to the wonderful world of discus.
Yes, Discus are schooling fish, best kept in a group of 5+ Have you decided if you are getting adults or juvenile fish? A group of small fish will be cheaper, but more work.......who am I trying to kid, adults are work too lol.
Please read up on their water requirements, this is the most important thing you will have to learn.
On your second point, even though Clown Loaches will live with discus, they can become very big and upset discus. Because of their nature, clowns are fast moving fish and can swimm erratically which can spook discus causing them to damage themselves, I would think twice about the combination. Also, do not add the common Pleco's, this is also a common mistake. You can however add Ansistrus which are great as a clean up crew.
Sun Sep 28, 2008, 10:23 AM
Tip: Don't keep Clown Loaches with Discus. Some do it without problems but the Loaches are often aggressive as they grow larger where they'll constantly sneak round behind the Discus and give them a nip. This causes stress in the Discus and that equals problems.
If you really want a Discus community tank (like I keep) then go with the likes of Kuhlie Loaches, SAEs, BNs, Corys, Rummy Nose, Cardinal and Black Neon Tetras and a Siamese Fighter.
Stay away from all other types of Loaches, (Chinese) Algae Eaters, false SAEs, Angel Fish, Plecos and BGKs etc.
Sun Sep 28, 2008, 10:32 AM
hmmm...interesting. Clown loaches are one of my favorite fish and was keen to keep with with discus...but if i read between the lines i'm hearing they aren't good together.
one additional point. at the moment i do a bit of travel and am away for a week or so at a time. I have read on the forum that some people change the water daily, or every other day to keep the water fresh.
With the said setup that I will have, will discus manage with a water change once a week or at most, once a fortnight? i'm fascinated by the breed but additionally concerned that if i buy them i might put them through a slow death by not physically being present to change the water often enough!
Sun Sep 28, 2008, 10:49 AM
So long as you dont overstock the tank you could get away with once a week or once in 2 weeks,Also i have always had clown loaches with discus and never had a problem they keep to themselfs all the time,if you had like a school of clown loaches you might have that problem.
Sun Sep 28, 2008, 10:59 AM
its a 55gal tank so i was thinking about 3 discus, 3 clowns and a school of neon tetras. thow in some glass yabbies and bristlenose catfish for cleaning and that was all i was thinking of having.
the tank will be heavily planted too.
Sun Sep 28, 2008, 11:02 AM
Sounds alright to me maybe a extra discus wouldt hurt although not alot of room in a 55 gal tank.what are glass yabbies never heard of them before?
Sun Sep 28, 2008, 11:15 AM
Sorry to take issue again over the clown loaches, but I have experienced it myself, not only this, but so have many other discus keepers too. If it were me, I would get an extra discus and forget the clowns.
Some people might well have had no problems, but do you want to take the risk? then in 12 months have to find a new home for boisterous loaches.
H :)
Sun Sep 28, 2008, 11:28 AM
sorry - glass shrimp
Sun Sep 28, 2008, 11:46 AM
Tip: Don't keep Clown Loaches with Discus. Some do it without problems but the Loaches are often aggressive as they grow larger where they'll constantly sneak round behind the Discus and give them a nip. This causes stress in the Discus and that equals problems.
If you really want a Discus community tank (like I keep) then go with the likes of Kuhlie Loaches, SAEs, BNs, Corys, Rummy Nose, Cardinal and Black Neon Tetras and a Siamese Fighter.
Stay away from all other types of Loaches, (Chinese) Algae Eaters, false SAEs, Angel Fish, Plecos and BGKs etc.
Sun Sep 28, 2008, 11:48 AM
Not sure why it double posted people... An error with IE7 on Vista I suspect!
Sun Sep 28, 2008, 11:56 AM
How do the tetras, discus and a siamese fighter get along?
I would have avoided this mix only because the delicate fins of the fighter. I would have though the discus and tetras would have attacked the fighter.
This is a good mix. I do love clown loaches but I've kept them for years and maybe I'm due for a change. I've still not set up the tank and cycled it so I've got about five weeks to consider the fish I will include in the tank.
Sun Sep 28, 2008, 12:27 PM
You have time to think and read then Spaceman. Don't forget to ask questions too.
Sun Sep 28, 2008, 12:43 PM
How do the tetras, discus and a siamese fighter get along?
I have found that young Discus & Fighting Fish get along just fine! With mature Discus it depends on the particular fish. In my tank the largest Discus (male) happens to also be one of the most docile fish in the tank. I actually find the female Discus are much more bossy although I've never had any problems with bullying so long as you have a large enough school. Discus (being very intelligent fish) are very inquisitive of a Siamese Fighter when you first put one into your Discus aquarium. They may even give him a little nip now and then for a few days but they soon work out he isn't food and then they get along together very well. I find fighters are good at cleaning up floating food scraps that Discus ignore so they are also useful fish to keep. Sometime if you lose a Tetra to natural causes the fighter will eat the dead tetra before you even notice it dead, and all you'll see is the remains of a Tetra skeleton floating about.
Tetras seem to ignore the Fighting Dish as well. Loaches don't.
Mon Sep 29, 2008, 05:53 AM
I think the fighter will be fine. Mine has never been picked on at all. He is now over 3 years old. :)
Mon Sep 29, 2008, 06:17 AM
So fighters are OK with 29-30C?
Mon Sep 29, 2008, 06:43 AM
Hi Spaceman, welcome to the world of "discus mums and dads"
My tank is larger but I too have the same isses with cleaning .. work seems to wait for no-one .....
when I first made the move into discus from other fish, I was very worried about the water changes too. After much investigation and asking Q's here on the forum.. If you calculate your discus to 1 fish = 40 litres of water.. your once a week water change should be fine.. (40-50%) I find the secret is to check water parameters mid week.. if any issues you know earlier than the weekly water change..and can deal with it before it becomes a big issue. (also if it is an issue you then can reassess your WC's) Each tank is different and you will need to keep an eye on the water parameters until you are comfortable with where the discus water sits between water changes.
I know there are many opinions out there on clown loaches (i really like them) but I found that Freddo (adopted, which is why he is by himself) was very sneaky and alway coming up and nipping my discus.. he now lives with my africans (much happier) though I think they do need to be in a group. I have cory's, khoulies and Bol. Butterflies in the tank.. great clean up crew and never never bother the discus..
Sharon :wink: :wink:
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